Final project – week Three

In the third week, I had to At least establish a suable chord progression to set the foundation of the way the song will go.

Another task I had to complete was research I needed more to at least to continue with my production. It was an unstable page and in need of improvement.


Monday – On Monday my primary task was to find a chord progression I liked and feel I could work well off and a bass line to follow. My secondary task would be to get a clear understanding of making a good research page and along with this, I need to make sure I use the research.

Wednesday – On Wednesday I wasn’t present so instead of producing my track I wanted to accomplish some more digital space work and along with that is research I could attempt when I am next in.

Thursday – In Thursday’s lesson I tried to at the very least get 5 points on all research pages some things I may want to use and things that would prove useful in my production.


. I have made a good solid chord progression one that I already have ideas to grow from.
. I have made a clear and easy to follow plan.

. My digital space work is lacking some research and I could use some points.

My first song is making good headway and already has a stable foundation with a good chord progression which falls nicely in my plan . I do need to make a bass line and drum beat but I will need to wait till I find one I really like ad not one that comes easy I want it to work well with the song but I don’t want it to be simplistic and over used.

I have some good feelings about my second song I worked it on my day off and I went with the direction that the song took me in and it felt natural I believe. I know that there is something I can put in there already but my research is still weak and in need of fixing.

My digital space work is lacking a lot of work mainly in the research pages. I also need to get started of lyric writing and push myself to ask for a vocalist.

In the third week, not a lot of work was done because I was out of the office on a trip to London it was a much-needed trip away it helped me think about my project and what I wanted to do being away from distractions helped more then I thought a lot about what I wanted to do with my project and where I want to take it.

But just because I was away for two days doesn’t mean I didn’t do a lot as soon as I got back I worked on my research pages which were something I was behind in a lot before I left I recorded a quick sound recording of my chord idea.