Final project evaluation


On Wednesday 18th of May, the final showcase was seen to a sold-out crowd of 120+ spectators marking the end of production for music this term and for me for good. Although I didn’t show anything, I still made a song with some artwork to be graded.


At the start of the project, I initially had the idea to make a 2 song EP thinking that I could step up from last year from one song to two but it was making something I was proud of which I was transfixed on. I knew that I wanted to be proud of what I made but I wanted to be happy to leave it up and hopefully put it on public as well.

After delivering my proposal I knew that I may be reaching with my idea but I just thought that I could make the deadline with two good pieces of music and decent artwork as well. My main concern was vocals and lyrics this was going to be the hardest part since I am not a singer and I don’t know how to write lyrics so this would set me back a while trying to find a way around this.

I had already made the two songs before so I had a rough idea as to what I wanted to make I thought that thinking ahead was going to be the deciding moment that will help me complete my set goal. The hardest part was trying to break down my song to see if I could write lyrics to fit the melody and words that would make sense and fit the song.

After making the song I knew that I didn’t want it to be shared on the showcase so I requested to Nick that I have mine excused from it he obliged. I didn’t feel like my song was good enough and I already knew that I wanted to just get the grade and not the attention so it worked out in the end.


Overall this project had its ups and downs but my insight to change throughout to fit the time and mould my song to fit that time was a big strength I had.

In some places, I had fallen into a deep blank with my digital space work some that I still need to clean up which was a great weakness.

However, I believe my production work defiantly improved over the months of this project I have incorporated a lot of time fixing the outside void of my music instead of the main instruments I used secondary instruments to play behind the mainline to show more detail and I believe this is a big strength.

A big weakness that still needs a lot of work is asking for help with vocals. I need to bother people and think about my project first or I will put my work behind and waste the time I need.

A small strength would be my mixing ability and how it has developed during this project.


If I were to take this project again I would get talking to a singer straight a way then I wouldn’t even need to worry about booking one or disrupting them later down the line.

I would also get talking with a lyric writer and try develop some lyric drafts to compere and se if we can take it further.

Another thing I would try and improve is my research pages I spent a lot of time trying to understand them and find the right ones, if I had used the time before the project to find some appropriate research material would be wasting my time when I could be using it to be working o my track.