Final performance evaluation

We had 3 weeks and 5 days to learn 2 songs for a live performance at the end of the project were we will be recorded for a live stream that will be released in November, this was the first time for me to be in a band and having to work together and going off each other, I think if we were to compare the first time we played in front of people to are live performance I think it will be pretty evident on our changes I ways of how we improved and talked to each other to make sure When, where and how we could enter or exit a section.

I went into detail on what I thought about our mock performance, in my opinion, this final performance is our redemption on how we ended thing in the mock performance this helped us get our closure and show are talents, there were few mistakes and the ones that were made was from the singers but you can’t blame them they had to learn the lyrics that day because are lead singer had to stay home for her safety and the safety of our classmates but other than that I think they did an amazing job as her replacement we wouldn’t be able to perform without them.

This was the second time performing in front of camera people and cameras as soon as I entered the room I felt a sense of comfort and I felt ready to perform and get it over and done with once we finished the second song there was a 30 second break to check the camera and at that point, I felt a sense euphoria and was ready to give the next song my all (not like I wasn’t giving the first song my all but I was willing to get loud and take charge of the song).

After everything was done and we turned off the amps and took everything back I thought about what I just did and I felt at rest like there was a weight that had been lifted and I felt 10 times better then I did before but I couldn’t help but think back at what I was like at the start of the 3 weeks and 5 days I was petrified to even perform in front of anyone but now I can say that I played the guitar with a band I was an amazing experience and I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to do what I did and can’t help but feel more confident then I did when I started this project.