Christmas concert

For our final project of the year, we were supposed to do a Community music workshop and work on our UCAS application but Nick gave us the chance to do something else, ultimately the class decided to do another concert after just finishing one so now we are doing a community music workshop and a Christmas gig.

For this gig I will be doing the same thing I did last time, I will be working on the lights again but for the last song I will be joining in on the Keyboard to do the synth parts and lead.

Rehearsal No.1

Because everyone will be joining in on the last song I and another pianist Isaac will be on the same Keyboard he will do the chords while I play the synth notes and the lead on the top of the keyboard.

Mock Performance

This was the first time we tried the big finale with the lights and under exam conditions, It was a bit hectic and a lot of room for improvement but the last song was put there for a class thing where you don’t worry about it but play it right.

On Monday before we were met with a new plan on how the concert was still going ahead with the rise in a new covid variant the idea of doing a live show in the evening but on the day the plan changed and now we weren’t having a live performance with a crowed, instead now we were setting up for a live-streamed event where we start with the bands record them on film then on audio after all the bands have been recorded is then the solo performances

after the day of recording and performing all that was left was the editing and mastering Abigail Swift stayed behind and worked while the rest of the group had their holiday because of her help the live stream was released on Thursday night.


Livewire Christmas showcase, 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 January 2022].

Livewire Christmas mock showcase, 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 January 2022].

Do they know its Christmas all, 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 January 2022].