Band photoshoots

On Tuesday 13 October in the music department, both level 1 and 2 had to take a photoshoot a week before we had to do the live performance

On this day we were told in advance that when we come in we had to get our band photo taken this alone was new to me I was a bit anxious When we all arrived we had to get our class photo taken we had to do a social distance class photo, it took a while to get everyone situated and separated

Far left Josh Bass player, on the chair next to him, is Faith Lead singer, sat on the left on the cabinet is Niall Drummer, in the middle is Edgars Pianist and sat in the far right is Me (Ellis).

After we had are class photo we were told that the people who came earlier could either go back home or stay and rehearse but for use, we had to wait for the year 3’s to have there photo’s done first so the band decided to practice while waiting for the other bands to finish. After a couple of run-throughs, we got called up to get are band photos taken the photographer was very professional she really went for quality over quantity I felt that after we got are band photos and individual photos we were ready to go on the live performance.