Final production evaluation

(This will be about the second song because the second song will be displayed on the showcase)


After a long couple of week’s in this project and I have made two songs and one will be shown in the showcase and this one is one I am very proud of and have worked very hard on to make sure it’s as professional as possible to show people how serious I am about music and how much it means to me so this will be nerve-wrack to be out there and being listened to.

This is the final mix and master of the song and has been sent to be put in the showcase I am very nervous about but I am happy that this project will finally be put to an end and on to another one but I will remember this project when working on other I will look to this one as a reference.

From the start of the project I had no idea that I will end up submitting a different song to what I thought I would have made, but I do like this song more than the first one just because I think that this song was more of a collaboration then the first one but I like them both equally I just think this one will be more appealing to the listener than an instrumental track.

This song wasn’t meant to make at the start of the project. I had no intention to create it until my initial idea went bust and I had to come up with a way to make it into something I could get good grades in, but in the end, I liked it so much that it’s now my song in the showcase. I am happy that I did end up messing up to make it and have something on the showcase.

At first, the idea of collaboration wasn’t something I was fond of doing but with a lot of persuading I was turned into doing it and it was fun doing that but I didn’t like disrupting the others over my needs so I liked working on my own no one had unfinished work and I wasn’t the bad guy for asking for help it was a win-win for me but Ben told me that I had to be selfish to get my project done and so that’s what I did and it helped out a lot.


My strength’s during this projects has to be producing I wasn’t as new to it as the other things I did in the project it was more fun than the others I have always liked producing and I know what I’m doing in that field.

My weaknesses during this project were mixing, the start of mixing my song was always a pain because I had to get all the levels right then I would do something and one of the volumes would start to clip and distort so working the volume perfectly was a pain when mixing but it was all a tedious act.

The first song I feel was something that I didn’t anticipate to be such a difficult one so that took a lot of to make and the other thing I wanted to I wouldn’t have the time to do both so I dropped the music video to make another song and spent to much time on that as well leaving my first song in early stages while my second song had art and a vocal line so I spent time scavenging through the first song and to see if I can make anything out of it and I did it does sound like a cinematic piece now rather then the entail pop song.

My second song was the one that all the way through I knew I had to make work because the first one wasn’t going the way I thought I would but I still had to work on it because I said that I would record a music video with the single and the video proved that it was easier said than done for many reasons, like that fact we had to record then I had to find friends who are willing to act and then I needed to write what was going to happen in the video. But everything fell through and I was forced to think of something to fix my mistake so the second song proved to work well.

In the future, I now know that during my time in this project I feel like I did pick a couple of lessons along the way from producing to mastering and for that reason I can now use them in future projects as well as something I will use for the rest of my musical endeavours. The mixing lessons also helped in tuning my ears to the finer noises from making the song which I now have more of an understanding about now that it was explained to me how important the finer details.

The best thing to happen in this project that went well was inviting a singer in to write and record some vocals for the second song, the vocals were something I wasn’t so keen on because the time limit I had because the vocals was a big part of the song so getting them wrong at such a late stage of the project would ruin the whole song just because of some little discussion but when I heard the vocals they did nearly all the work but there was some distortion in later stages but nothing a recording cant fix so now we have better vocals ready for the showcase.


Ellis Hardy, 2021. Before you continue to YouTube. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 25 May 2021].