80’s music

When making the second song my biggest inspiration was song’s from the ’80s, and from how they formed their pop songs to the way they played their instruments and looking back it’s hard to affiliate the song to one specific song from that time period because I was inspired by the number of songs used synths and catchy drum fill’s that if I named them I would fill this page but the ones that caught my ear was.

Simple Minds – don’t you forget about me – 1985

Don’t you forget about me by Simple mind’s – When looking for inspiration I listened to this song and decided to use the drum fill because when listening to it I always liked the relationship between the kick and snare with the high hats playing their rhythm and the drums on there own time and how the drum fill works with slow playing keys even when the drums are playing at a faster tempo its always a good feeling when I hear them again and is always fun o use in this song.

Tears For Fears – Everybody wants to rule the world – 1985

Everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears – this song made me think of the instrumentation and that the beginning riff is played throughout the song as a staple when listening to the song again you know what song it is because of the instrumental.

I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney Houston -the vocals in this track or just any Whitney Houston song could be counted as inspiring because the vocals in the tracks sound strough and powerful when listening to her songs.

The second song wasn’t meant to be an 80’s inspired song at first but throughout the process of thinking of a second song the idea of an ’80s song came into my mind and thinking of another idea didn’t really work so I started listening to a bunch of 80’s songs from Billie jean to Take on me and found inspiration from don’t you forget about me by simple minds and decide to use the drums but recreate them from that song and use them as a bookmark to start the second song.

Micheal Jackson – Billie Jean – 1982

A- ha – Take on my – 1985

Simple Minds – Don’t you forget about be -1985

Then as a keys section, I looked at most 80’s music and used synths to carry the music along throughout the and used them as a front for the lead solo on the bridge.

The chord progression was something I have been trying to figure out for some time and how I wanted it to sound when making it and I had different ideas for the chords but eventually, I sat down ad tried different chords and inversions to finally find the sound I was looking for and found it then.

Once I felt comfortable with the direction I went there was something I was missing but didn’t want to do it but eventually, I was convinced to ask Barbora today down some vocals and within 15 minutes Nick, Barbora and Ben wrote the lyrics for the song and record a rough copy of the vocals that sounded exactly like I thought the song needed her vocals were strong and powerful which reminded me a lot of Whitney Houston about her range and power when singing which all around made the song 10 times better I could have used male vocals but I felt that non were good enough for the track and neither was any of the girls but Barbora.

During the mixing stages, the inspiration’s of the song was used to help mix the song to sound somewhat like it did from the era and help shape the song as a whole so listening back to the tracks I took inspiration from and figure out what a good one sounds like and see if I can copy it. When I listen back to the song and show people what it sounds like they say that it sounds somewhat of the decade.

Simple Minds, 2010. Before you continue to YouTube. [online] Youtube.com. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdqoNKCCt7A> [Accessed 3 December 2010].

Tears For Fears, 2013. Before you continue to YouTube. [online] Youtube.com. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGCdLKXNF3w> [Accessed 9 August 2013].

A -ha, 2010. Before you continue to YouTube. [online] Youtube.com. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djV11Xbc914> [Accessed 6 January 2010].

Michael Jackson, 2009. Before you continue to YouTube. [online] Youtube.com. Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi_XLOBDo_Y> [Accessed 3 October 2009].