If you ask anyone who was around before the ’80s and went through it they will tell you that the ’80s were the best and would do anything to bring it back, but for some of use who weren’t around back then only have there parents story’s the things that happened back then like news stories and the thriving music which i can tell you today that the Kids my age still listen to it and find it catch and probably still hasn’t been beat.

Thing’s between the Soviet’s and Americans began to come to an end as Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and US President Ronald Reagan came to an understanding and the Berlin wall finally fell and the family’s of both sides got the chance to reunite with each other after nearly 30 years of being apart, but one thing happened that wasn’t meant to happen the night of November 9th when Mikhail announced the fall of the Berlin wall he was meant to say the it will fall the next day but he said it will happen on the night causing the people of East Berlin to run to the border and the border guards left in confession and calling there supervisors, the guards where told not to use lethal force or they would be issued a personal responsibility leaving the outnumbered guards no choice but to let them through an 10:30. That night inhabitants from East Germany and West rejoicing and celebrating dubing november 9th 1989 the night the Berlin wall fall. (this information was a collection from my knowledge and others from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_the_Berlin_Wall)

But during the ’80s there was another war between England and Argentina for the island just off the coast of Argentina called Falklands during a campaign for presidency in Argentina Leopoldo Galtieri said that if he is president he will clam there “land” back from the English by taking the Falklands once he was sworn in he launched an attack on falklands and taking some of the English Army on the island captive this was an issue because Argentina did not discuss this with the current owners of the island and through the united nations about the invasion the UK then went to the united Nations and margaret thatcher asked for weapons and aircraft carriers from America Reagan allowed this and sent England some weapons now England declared war on Argentina, this whole fight seamed like it was a simple win for Argentine because of how close Argentina is to the island and there Large army While England on the other hand need to travel miles to get there and a smaller army but we had to things that Argentina didn’t have which was an impressive navy and the SAS. this war was 10 weeks long and ended in the victory of the UK, England finally was able to take back there island which we still own today.

Music in the 1980’s only got better from the 70’s only with the exception from disco and pop became the new favourite and by the backend of the 80s hip hop was growing over into the 90’s, people like Michael Jackson who made his most famous and well known album off the wall in 1979 and carried him into the ’80s but once he released the album thriller in 1982, along with pop the soul train road into the ’80s with major players like Marvin Gaye, bill withers, earth wind and fire and Aretha Franklin, classic rock was being more pop rock with band’s like Toto, Elton john Journey, a-ha and bruce Springsteen

fashion form the 1980’s was very unique as said from people over the years looks from the ’80s are one thing people find strange yet intriguing. A general synopsis of fashion and clothing/style trends of the decade include big teased hair or spiral perms for women, mullets or more clean-cut styles for men, baggy and oversized tops, leggings, high-waisted jeans, ripped and acid-washed denim, tight exercise clothing for everyday. Gone where the days where men would wear suits for everyday usage but only use them for working purposes.