
This was our first time playing the song Gangsters Paradise. I think it went pretty good considering that this was our first time playing from just one time listening to it. At this point we didn’t know the structure to well thats why I was playing the rhythm throughout the whole song and my left hand started to cramp up.

This our second time rehearsing the song. This time it went mush better because we have listed to the song multiple times and we managed to figure out when the guitars and keys should stop playing and just have bass and drums in some parts of the song.

Here we played to the whole class who were our audience and they were giving us some feedback. Before we preformed to the class we had a bit more time to practice the structure of the song and figure out what instrument is playing and

Today on the 21st September we have just practiced almost a full run of our song gangsters paradise but we didn’t have our singers or piano player so it was kind of hard for us because we all didn’t know at what part of the song we were at.

Here on the 26th September we had a go at our second song I’ll be missing you by P.Diddy, For me at the time I was struggling to play my part because I have to play arpeggios which are chords but I play each note from that chord.

Our band leader Kaitlyn talking about what we need all need to improve.

Rehearsing our 3rd song zombie by cranberries. Considering that this was our first time playing the song and some of us haven’t listened to the song before I think we did a pretty good job and we understood the structure after playing the song a couple of times.

Getting ready for our live performance and how it will sound. This was our second time playing the song zombie and I think we did a good job at playing it because we all know the structure now and I’ve even added some palm muting in the pre-chorus.

Practicing beginning and ending for our first and second song.