Final Showcase and Evaluation

Wow what a performance this was. It was amazing and we all had fun during the the whole performance.

Me and Lukass’ were the third performance of the night we were also joined by Robert and Marcel (HMRC) you can see us at the time 25:00 – 35:50

Me and Lukass
Lukass’ guitar didn’t seem to work in the beginning because one of his guitar knobs decided to stop working. We noticed behind stage that his one of the knobs was loose and we tried to quickly fix this problem but it was too late to fix. At first he thought that his volume was low so he asked Lewis to raise his volume but that was not the problem then Nic came up to Lukass and managed to fix this problem.

I feel like we did so much better during the dress rehearsals because we had less people watching us so it was a little less stressful.
When performing Oasis Mercel forgot the lyrics to the end of the song but that could of just been stage fright because in the rehearsals he could sing the whole song without any mistakes. Also I was supposed to sing backing vocals for the song but I backed out because I was too afraid to sing to a whole crowd.
Also Robert played the his part in the beginning to late but thats hardly noticeable and we still carried on playing.

Overall the performance was amazing the whole way through. Everybody had so much fun. Me, Lukass, Robert and Marcel Hyped ourselves up just before we went on stage because we were all a bit nervous and for some of us it was our second time being on stage so we knew what it was like but we still had a little stage fright.