Gojira band logo reflects on the style of music they play. the lines that come off the letters remind me of tree branches also birds are flying around.
The theme reminds me of nature maybe because many Gojira songs are about flying whales.

The misfits band also reflects on the style of music they play. Misfits songs are about horror movies, one of their albums is called Famous Monsters which is an album about monsters from horror movies it also reflects on the make-up they all wear.

The thing that I like about this logo is the skull and wing. It reflects the band’s style of music for example their song Bat country and Nightmare

Again the thing I about this logo is the added wings at the end of D and C it adds character to the band name with dragons being the theme. It almost looks like its about to fly away.

AFI logo reminds me of Alice in Wonders land with the rabbits going in a circle like in the book when Alice fell into wonderland.

HYDE logo reminds me of Adam and Eve with the apple and snake. It reflects on hyde’s stage pressence and his style.