Initial Assessment

What was Successful?

What I think was successful about this was that I learned the intro in less than 10 minutes using Rocksmith and used the exact tone that was used for the song.

What wasn’t successful?

What wasn’t successful was that it wasn’t on point and a bit slow and that I missed a note at 0:19. The reason why was that this was my first time recording myself and wanted it to be perfect.

What could I improve next time?

Next time I could improve my speed, picking technique and precision.

How could I improve next time?

I could improve it by having more confidence when recording and to keep practicing because I have only been playing guitar for 5 months now also I need to get a whammy bar because the song requires one.

Targets to Improve on this year

I want to improve on guitar playing skills. For example I want to play more fluently and work on where each note is on the fret board and build up muscle memory in my fingers. I should be able to achieve this by project 1.

Evaluation/Written work-
I would improve this skill by having someone evaluate my work and at the same time I would evaluate the same persons work or have someone with me telling me what was good and what needs improving. This should be achievable by next month.

Improving confidence –
I need to work more on my confidence because I’m shy and get nervous when I meet new people and I want to improve on that.
I should be able to be more confidant after the final performance of project 1.