Final Performance

The final performance was really somithing for us, All of us haven’t really performed at a vanue this big so it really was something big for everyone who performed on that day.

We came on earlier than the dress rehearsal that was because Aimee our singer had to go somewhere during that time and I got a little confused if we were stinking with that order but it was all ok after because Nic sent out a message on teams with the bands orders.

Don’t matter
This was our opening song and it was perfect from the way Aimee said her line to start the song and Lukass straight aways playing his guitar but I did play the wrong note druing that time I don’t really know why I did that but for the rest of the song it sounded better than our dress rehearsal and Aimee didn’t forget her lyrics so that was good.

Our second of the night. This song was just so random and it sounded really good. When I looked at the crowd they looked like they were enjoying this song and some of them who knew the song sang a long to it also
When I started clapping the crowd started to clap along so I did engage with the crowd which was a first for me because I have never really engaged with the crowd in previous performances. I did feel a little awkward doing that because I thought the crowd wouldn’t clap along with me but when I heard the clapping from the crowd I felt alright after.

Teen Spirit
What a song to finish our set with. I mean we had to do it because Me, Aimee and Lukass helped organise the whole performance and why call the event Teen Spirit and not play Teen Spirit by Nirvana. It just felt right to do because Me and Lukass wanted to performe this song in Level 2 but we never got the chance to play it so we thought why not the event is called Teen Spirit we might as well play it live and the crowd really enjoyed this song you can see some one at the front just head banging the whole way through the song.
Also you can see me head banging throughout the whole set which tells you that I really enjoyed performing these song with Santhe.

Kids in America
This song was my own project. I wanted to cover a popular 80’s song and turn it into a metal cover which I feel like I have done successfully because it sounded really good. I got the help from Adam From The Moores to drum for us also I got Lacey and Lukass to help with with vocals and Guitar which I thank all of them because without them this wouldn’t of been possible.

The final band of the night. Everyone from this band worked really hard and all of the hours that we put into this band really paid off.All the song that we played were amaizing the crowd really enjoyed us playing on stage. We even got an encore and the end of our set but we dind’t go with it because it was getting late that night and I though that was amaizing that the crowd wanted more from our band because this hasn’t really happend to us before at previous performances but we ended up not playing anything because it was getting late and the performance went on for over 3 hours.

This was our opening song and it sounded amaizing on stage even better than our dress rehearsal eventhou Clarks voice was damged during that night I feel like it just made it sound so much better because it sounded raw and that made it sound more impactful. We did a really good job on this song, You can see me during the last part of the song lossing it on bass my hair was all down and I was just stuming the bass like it was a guitar.

Heart Shaped Box
Another great song of that night no mistakes just like in our dress rehearsal we smashed it again. I really enjoyed playing this song if you couldn’t tell, I was head banging throughout this song just like when I played Teen Spirit with Santhe and the lights turned off during the first chorus and that had an impact on the song. But I couldn’t see my fretboard when that happend but I think I was playing the right notes.

Go with the Flow
Great song to play live and this version that we played sounded even better than the time we played it during our first performance of this year, I think this was because we played it with the right BPM and we didn’t play it that fast as we thought it was. Again no mistakes during this song.
I also had to learn how to tune my bass with out a tuner because I had to switch from Drop D to E standard really quickly, I did this by playing an open D on my bass and tuning the top sting to that same frequency I did the same thing but I played E note on the second string on the 7th fret and tuned my top string to that frequency aswell.

My Iron Lung
Another great song to play live, This was a really good cover that we performed during that night. everyone sounded really good especially Isobels solo she really nailed that Laceys singing was powerful aswell which is good because all of the song that we performed were all sang by male singers.
I feel like I could of done so much better if I kept on practicing on my slap bass technique because I ccouldn’t the the pop from my bass but it sounded good in the end.

My Hero
The final song of the night and a great song to finish on. Again no mistakes were made during the song I really enjoyed playing this song eventhou it is very simple to play on bass but I still enjoyed playing this on stage. When we got to the build up I wanted to make it sound inpactful for the drop and yeah again a really good song to finish on. We did get an encore but we ended up not doing it because it was getting late.