This is the final version of my 8-bit song
This was my first time using Logic to create a retro boss song. I managed to create one with retrosynth.
I made the melody by drawing it out first on paint in random waves until i got a good sounding melody with repetition.
Then I added chords to it but didn’t what chords to add because I wanted them to sound harsh and evil.
So I listend to songs for inspirations that have harsh sounding chords and I really liked The devil went down to Georgia by primus.
So I looked up the chords from one section of that song and used those chords.
The next thing I did was I added a Kick drum to it to add bass and to make it repetitive.
The song would of sounded better if I had more experience in music making.
What I would do to make it sound better is add a second melody or have the sam melody but at a different octave another thing I would improve is the drum beat because right now its a constant kick and I would like to develop it more.