During my second week of studying project 2 my tutor introduced how music adapted though out the decades, and what influenced music to adapt and change. Also, he also taught us about the cycle/circle of fifths. The cycle of fifths is used to understand the 24 major keys and how they can be used in music specifically in composition.
And we also started to memorize the cycle of fifths rhymes, so we could independently be able to utilize it to create our chords for our compositions. The two rhymes were “Good dogs are expensive but fun”. Also, the second rhyme is “Carol finds BEADS”. I have my own rhymes to memorize the cycle of fifths, and I’ve been able to memorize the whole diagram which I’m proud of.
We also started to compose on, and I say compose very lightly because I didn’t really understand Sibelius as much as I would’ve liked too and was left pretty confused, I wished I could’ve gotten further with my work. I also found Logic X to be really hard Because I couldn’t really visualize how to implement sound effects/Instruments in order to enhance audio so most of my time was spent experimenting which left me with little to no understanding of how to work the software.
My Sibelius work was what I consider awful, and I had nothing to really produce because I didn’t understand the software and I kept deleting the sheet because Sibelius would add some random notes and ruin anything I tried to create, back then I didn’t understand how to build notes from a chord progression or how a circle of fifths was utilized in Sibelius. So I had no plan or direction, and I didn’t understand the work so I was overall just left very confused. So my first lessons were leaving me very confused and behind everyone else, but I would later start to grasp the concept a lot more.
My Logic X work was hardly any different, I was mostly for a good portion of my lessons trying the play the instruments, I have never really touched an instrument in my life so trying to create a composition was very hard, I didn’t understand any of the instruments or how to utilize them correctly. It was trying to teach a blindfolded baby born 2 days ago how to walk. I have had trouble with both programs, both had their share of flaws, but in all honestly, my lack of experience with instruments is probably hindering me the most in this project.
I find that currently, I find music theory very hard to understand, So I have had to revise a lot but overall it’s hard because I don’t really know sheet music, and I’ve never really composed, Its a big challenge, but I think I will be able to pass If I try.