Sue Ryder Research

For our first project we organized a concert in which family members and friends could attend to watch us preform. One of the reasons for organizing this concert was to give money to charity. Our chosen charity was the Sue Ryder Monorlands Hospice. I wanted to research more about the charity since all of the funds that we made for the concert was to support that specific charity and find out who exactly would be benefitting from the concert, and also explored these types of events can help people in need.

Sue Ryder specializes in actively caring for patients with any severe illness, which can include cancer, motor neurone disease and chronic heart and lung disease – All of these which unfortunately can severely effect people’s health. Sue Ryder Looks after anyone who is over 18, with people who frequently attend for check ups, or attend for specialist care. Many patients choose the Hospice for care and safety at the end of their life.

A video explaining about the Hospice.

The money we raised for the concert allowed us to support the Hospice by helping to fund Medicine, Meals, Emotional support, Mobility assistance, and potentially Family support and Cleaning for rooms and accommodation. The Hospice needs to earn roughly £3M a year, With the NHS supporting the charity with 25% of all costs for the Hospice. The rest of the money is earned by the generosity of the locals that hold events similar to our own to raise awareness and money for charities just like Sue Ryder. I think it’s very sweet that we were able to give back to those in need and overall, the night was very successful.

Information gathered by their official website: