Student Self Assessment

Perform on a keyboard with two hands.

I don’t know how to play any instruments so learning a new one is what I was planning to do next year with my individual lessons. I was planning to try and play the piano. This year I wanted to focus on the performance aspect including my voice. I think not being able to play an instrument hinders me in my ability to understand musical theory and create for myself.

Playing 3 chords is also something I can’t do because Like I explained before I don’t know how to play instruments so playing cords is quite difficult for me. This is something I plan to change when I shift my focus to learning an instrument next year, preferably piano.

Partner’s feedback;

I think that’s a reasonable set of goals, Learning an instrument would be beneficial and would help you understand music a lot more than you already do. I can’t really argue with that because I think it’s a good idea.
