This is my evaluation for my final product, but since I have so much work that I produced and I already evaluated them in previous weeks, I will focus my attention on the words Arcade and Slower, the two songs I performed in the BCM Showcase. Here I have the audio files that were sent to me after recording my performance for the showcase, so I will be referencing these for this Evaluation.
Unfortunately, I can’t seem to upload the audio files so I can’t have them on display for you here. I think overall both tracks sound professional and my performance in both songs sounds a lot better than I thought it would’ve and I have received a lot of positive feedback from students and teachers, listening to the audio it’s clear to me how much I’ve grown as a musician. I’ve really enjoyed this year. I feel like I won’t be able to fully evaluate it since I haven’t gotten the chance to view the video since it is being premiered on Friday. So I will have to speak from my experience, and I think the final product is amazing, I was able to be confident in front of the camera, we got lots of cool shots of me and Tia Trueman, and I think it overall is going to look really cool.
Since I have mostly evaluated all of my songs already, I will leave necessary links that will go into depth about my performances, Because I don’t really want to keep repeating myself.
In these posts, I explain and Evaluate my newer covers, my recording session with Nic and Lewis, and my progress of the Showcase. I would look at these as a reference. But if I am being honest, I evaluated most of my practical work throughout my project, so there’s not much for me to add at this point. And When the Live gets released, I will link it here and Evaluate it further then.