Project 3 Week 5/6

Week 5 and 6 were weeks of rushing to get things done, with the lack of communication and the Audio being too short, we had finally decided to scrap the previous audio we were using, to make a better structure, and make a new chorus, and a bridge. The performance was something I had to record on my phone, and it took several attempts to get it right because the ending slowing down was something I wasn’t used too and it was hard because I kept messing up the words while trying to keep the timing.

When initially uploading this, I called the title headache as a humorous joke, since I would mess up on the words a lot, and it took a lot of attempts to finish it. The real song’s title is ‘I Remember’ a line said often throughout the song, so I thought it suited it. As you can see, there’s no fancy editing for this recording, since it was created in one day. It was rushed so I didn’t have any time to properly edit it, I’m mainly glad that these are just drafts.

This week was a lot more productive than week 5, and we were actually able to finish a final product which I think sounds pretty good. Not the best audio quality, but I think it’s good for the time, and our resources. Edgars edited the version I posted on youtube and played it for the rest of the group, and it doesn’t sound as bad as I originally thought it would.

Overall, I really like how we were able to pull the group back together and create a good full final song this week, we worked really hard and I’m very proud of our final product!