My first Project has taken a sharp turn for the worst when new restrictions were placed on January 4th of 2021, These restrictions meant we could record the song we are going to create for our projects. This made the project harder to produce, but I predict we will have to record our songs later. I’ve always liked songwriting, personally and I write a lot, One of the issues I have is when I create or write, It’s always very personal, so I don’t know how others will take to my style of writing lyrics.
For example, over my Christmas break, I wrote a song called Come back to me, it’s an original, and I really like it, and would like to work on it and create better lyrics for it but as of now, I’m proud of it. I’ll link it here;
This is one of the first songs I’m actually proud of.
And I will probably utilize this in the future and improve it. So far, I’ve been learning about Songwriters, their roles, and the structures of the song, which I will write about later. I’ve also been learning about songwriting methods, and how you can take colors, visuals, and writing techniques and incorporate them into a song.
I think I’ll do relatively well in this project, but the only question is when or how are we going to produce our song, not only as band, but how are we gonna write them too?