The introduction to my second year of college entails putting on a concert for the Sue Ryder Charity, and inviting all of our family and friends to come and attend. We were all assigned into groups, And I was assigned with Thomas, and Adam, and given our first song (‘Friday I’m in love’ – Song by the Cure) in which we were given to perform as one of songs for the concert. I hated this song, and I couldn’t sing it very well, so originally I was chosen to play the keys and sing back up harmonies. However this never progressed since during this time I was suffering with the loss of my Dad and many of my days were taken up by grieving or helping family.
Sir eventually suggested when the groups were being reassigned that I perhaps do solo performances instead, to help me better cope with stress and to help my team members that were often missing their second lead vocalist. Coming in and practicing was hard, especially with everything going on, so I would practice at home whenever I could. I chose to do three songs in which I then took away to learn and preform. And my Tutor was going to help by accompanying me on the piano for my performances.
Our Tutor taught us techniques about how to deal with preforming, and how deal with stress, He taught us breathing exercises, and talked about how to release tension from your body by doing certain exercises. (Honestly it was quite funny.) But it managed to help calm my nerves whenever a got anxiety and it was just a cool thing I wanted to add in here. Most of the week was spent learning to organize and set up the stage, setting up microphones, drumkits, guitar and bass, along with the keyboard. Everyone participated in setting up the stage for the performances.