This is going to be a final post for my project one, because I didn’t feel my best whilst I was quarantining in the last week of the term because of coronavirus. This is going to explain everything, and catch up with any work that I missed, plus, even though the deadline for marking is over, it doesn’t sit right with me for my work to NOT be fully completed if I know that I can go back and change it. Even if this doesn’t get marked, I still want it to complete the ending for project 1.
Now I’ve got that out of the way, I’m going to talk about my final performance, and why I haven’t released any videos or indication of that event. Reason why was because I was quarantining because my brother tested positive for coronavirus, this means I had to isolate myself at home and I couldn’t attend, my band had to adapt and put other singers from bands for my parts. I felt gutted because I really worked hard and looked forward to showing people what I could do, but unfortunately that didn’t happen, It’s life and sadly that’s just how it works. I haven’t seen my bands performance, but I’ve seen snippets of photos on the Bradford College instagram. I hope they were able to adapt well with the new singers.
Next thing I want to address is my band photos, the pictures that were taken by the photographer;

I really like these photos,I think it’s very aesthetically pleasing and they came out very well, I like that fact that we were given the option to decide our own positions and have our own say, very flexible. And I think everyone looked amazing.
Last subject, Whole project Evaluation.
I’m going to cheat a little with this, because this is written on November the 11th, after receiving a new perspective on the grades that I didn’t have before. Truth be told, the grades are intimidating. Every page I written in project one took my 3 hours, and the video I made for my Ariana concert analysis took me 4 hours, I don’t want to be just “satisfactory” I want to do my best in all my projects. I want to strive to constantly improve even when somedays I feel like I can’t. So I won’t extend my time in working on the project I’ll learn more. I don’t feel I should spend more than 3-4 hours on an individual page. So I will expand my knowledge instead and learn to present concisely. I’m sure I’ll be able to adapt the more I get used to education again. I think I performed very well thought project 1, I adapted really quickly, and my confidence really improved, I was able to pick up songs quicker, and adapt to songs more along with situations that didn’t meet my plans. I never really received much critism in my voice, I only received critism on practicing and I did just that. After that, I didn’t get much critism for anything else so I can only really speak from my own perspective or if I achieved my own goals. Did I achieved them?yes and no, I don’t think I achieved all of them because I didn’t complete the main final performance, but with every final rehearsal, I got better, till the point the songs and techniques I learnt are drilled in my mind. So overall, I think this project I did okay on, I just wished I could’ve done more.