This video was recorded by my mother the day of the performance, and is the best quality video I have of my whole performance. Getting on that stage was very nerve wracking, and there’s many things I wish I would’ve known sooner.
First of all, I’ll get into the issues I had with my performance, and problems I had beforehand, and how I dealt with those problems. I’ll start with the songs, I found that changing the songs just before the show had its pros, and cons, as you can see in the performance, I was able to perform the songs, But I don’t believe they were the best performances, despite everyone telling me different. Starting with All I want, I was still nervous when I got on the stage, but performing beforehand to College students previously had slowly chipped away at my Anxiety, But I still got nervous when it came to the night, But that’s normal. Elastic heart was one of the cons that came with changing songs so last minute, it made giving adjustments and being able to familiarise yourself with what you’re performing hard. My Tutor was playing the piano, and it was too fast, I was able to keep up, and I tried not to let it effect my performance. It was evident in the last chorus that it was too fast. Although it was rushed, I’m happy that I never gave up, and I was able to get through the entire song without messing up even once. With or without you was great, it was a song which I felt confident with, and having that emotional connection to my father made it easier to sing the song. I really like how I can put my own kind of twist on any song that I sing, I think it’s one of the things that makes me such a unique singer.
I wish that I had gotten more time to familiarise myself with the stage and using a microphone again. I often do most of my performances at home pre-recorded, so using a microphone took sometime getting used to again. In addition the stage was accompanied with bright lights which where very hot and I found it hard to sing under. In my rehearsals I tried my best to get used to that stage and how things were going to be executed that night.
I still feel like I need to work on myself confidence and that I need to believe in myself. Because I got a lit of positive responses from the audience and a lot of people really loved my performance. Hearing the audience applause and encouragement really helped me to keep performing that night, even when things went wrong.
I felt overall that I did manage to perform was great, and I’m very proud of myself and how much progress I’ve made over the past year and it really shows, from my very first performance at college, to my most recent one. Speaking to the audience made me nervous, but I went out there vulnerable and exposed, and managed to settle everybody down and make them listen, I was able to create the audience I wanted for my songs, and it really helped, plus, I loved the responses, they make me laugh rewatching my performance. I felt overall I had a very refreshing stage presence and I tried not to stand there completely frozen, but it is hard trying to find what to do with your hands. I think my performance was great and even though they were some hiccups on All I want, my Tutor played amazingly and the Night was an overall success.

I think the stage look very amazing and pleasing to the eye, everything was set up in an easy organized way, and entry to the stage was planned and thought about by the Tutors and students. I loved how the projectors had different colors. and how it illuminated the entire stage instead of one big bright light mainly projected on the singer alone, it created a nice backdrop for anyone performing on stage.