
I have reviewed my work for project 1 and I am aiming to improve my work and apply this new knowledge into project 2.

My own reflection:

Context: I showed a good understanding of the context of this project but I could’ve included more information about the job roles and responsibilities and how they related to this project. I failed to write about how not being in affected my role.

Research: I realistically only created one page of research – and could’ve added more insight into my understanding of the music industry, and the resources included in the performances.

My Peers feedback: Make and follow a timetable, in order to not only arrive in on time, but be able to improve the content in my work. I can also set up certain days where I can consistently upload work to digital space and hand in work on time. I could also include more practical work, and document my work to show my progress.

My Tutors General Feedback: Include more evidence, more pictures, videos, and research and applying that research to my work. Documenting the progress throughout my project, and being present to have more to write about.

How can I apply this to Project 2? By Documenting more of my work on a weekly basis and attending more session I improve my context and allow myself to have more practical work. I am also able to learn about more things to research throughout the sessions. By creating set times to do my digital space work it limits the stress of turning in work last minute. Including more research throughout documenting my progress will allow me to build up more work overtime and won’t be as stressful.