Initial Assessment.

In my Initial Assessment, I performed Fireflies by Owl City, Initially, I often cringe when I hear my own voice, especially played back on recording or on audio. I found this challenging because I often delete recordings of myself in reflex because I have a lot of insecurities. So this recording took a lot more time than people probably believe. But that’s something every artist deals with before deciding on a final product.

I think overall I performed okay, I lack proper equipment, or full training in my voice, My voice showed a reasonable amount of control, and my timing was decent, and I find it very hard to talk positively about my voice.

For what I could possibly work on, my timing could be better, there are times where I started on lyrics being a beat behind, the audio was interrupted at the start, and I could’ve had better audio/equipment, but for the first time, I think it’s forgivable.

I edited the video myself, with my own programs, and the sunset image was primarily sourced, I’ve always found I like editing, but I’m insecure about mostly anything and I feel it greatly hinders my performance potential.

As for choosing a place to perform, I just did it in my living room, my initial thought was to do it in the bathroom, having an echo I initially thought it would be better but with the audio, I learned it sounded harsher on my phone. Besides the noise at the beginning, I don’t think my atmosphere wasn’t too bad.

I’m an interactive performer, but I’m quite a camera-shy girl, I want to be able to dance on stage and interact with a performance, this showed none of those aspects, but in terms of it being an initial assessment, I think baby steps are okay.

Overall, I think I did okay, not the best, not the worst, the first audio I sent on the email I think lacks compared to this, but I know I have a lot to improve on, and I long way to go, but I’m going to try my very best with what I have.