Documenting my improvement.

Original Video.

This was my original Another Love cover that I made in the beginning of the first 3 weeks. There were several things that I wished I could’ve improved on, so I’ve worked really hard to produce another cover on the 25th of May. In this new video I recorded new audio, and edited a new video with better content that fits my aesthetic theme and ideas.

Why did I decide to create a new improved version so close to the deadline?

This question has multiple answers, I will bullet point all of the reasons why I recreated all my videos.

• Throughout my project I want to show a consistent level of improvement, remaking videos I originally made at the beginning of this project allows us to see how I have progressed, and how I am able to act apon my mistakes and work to improve them and better myself as a creator. This also relates to me being able to problem solve fast and efficiently, and correct my work for the better so I can create my final work that I will be proud of.

Another Love Cover By Faith roberts (improvement).

What improvements have I made in this video and how has my content improved.

• The first thing I wanted to improve was the content within my video, at the end of my project, I wanted to create videos using my editing skills, and create videos using an purple aesthetic theme. I feel the resolution quality for this video is a lot better than my old one, and it’s a lot more consistent with the rest of my new content. My old video lacked good quality, and it didn’t fit with any theme, and I overall didn’t like how it looked, and I wasn’t proud of it. When making my first video, I was mainly exploring how I could edit my videos in different ways, but now it’s great to be able to apply everything that I have learned to make a new video I’m proud of.

• My singing sounded quiet and muffled. In this new videoz my voice is a lot more clearer and controlled, and my pronunciation is a lot better. Both videos still have great music, but it’s better to hear a more polished version of my work.

• It allows me to create more themed promotional content and videos, and I am able to recreate it in the new style that I have discovered. I have finally found my own way to edit my own videos, and it’s great show what I have learned.

My second video – Don’t you remember cover.

The Original Don’t you remember cover.

This video was originally very hard to make, because it was contribute to my dad. and I struggled to create the video. I also created this video in Chellow Deen, in my Dad’s resting place. I wanted there to be sounds of nature within the video, because it has an emotional meaning for my family, but I still thought it would be good to include a video that was clean from background noises and has a music video. I wanted to keep my purple aesthetic theme, with the Japanese Animation style being a common theme throughout my videos, to show my aesthetic awareness and to create a common identity with my music videos. Being able to edit in a style that I am comfortable in makes me feel a lot better about my work. and being able to show more improvement with my work makes me happy, and it helps me achieve my project’s objective. My singing in this video very good, I love how it sounds, and I love how my editing sounds in this video. This video was also made on the 25th of May, two days before I handed in my project. I worked super hard to produce these vidos on time.

Dont’t you remember – By Faith roberts. (Improvement)

Things in my old video I wanted to improve on:

I really wanted to create a music video and stay true to my project’s original plans, I wanted show that I can still create no matter what. I also thought it would be another great way to display progress throughout my project, so people have an idea of how I would create videos now, right at the very end of my project. I wish I could create a clean audio, without any noises in the background because I wanted people who weren’t in my family to enjoy a better sounding music video of my music too, not just my family. It’s the whole reason why I created my YouTube channel.

  • I wanted to improve my video, and create actual content for my channel instead of just leaving it unfinished, and I wanted to create music that people outside my family could enjoy.
  • I also wanted to improve my audio, and create a seperate version for my audience to enjoy. I also wanted to stay true to my project’s original plans.
  • I don’t want to give up, and there’s no way in hell I’ll leave this project without trying.

Overall, I am glad I am able to recreate these videos and create final videos I know my Tutors will be eager to see. and I am glad that I am able to show them to people I love and watch them enjoy my content. I think every recreation definitley holds up to my original goals, and shows that I am eager to act on my mistakes, and show deep understanding of how I could improve my practical work and show how I improved it.