Self Assessment:
Context: Pass. I feel like I was able to provide a sufficient amount of work for m project, nothing more, nothing less. I did what I was told, and that’s it. Context has been hard to obtain because of all the last minute decisions I made with my group, but I don’t think it hindered my overall performance.
Research: Pass. As of this moment a possible fail. I am planning to include research the week that I return, but its been hard to find motivation to do any work at all, and will most likely put something together in a short amount of time. Research is something I have always struggled with. I have managed to include some research, but I know I need more, and will try my best,
Problem Solving: Pass. I was able to problem solve everything I came across in a short amount of time, and was even able to deliver a performance to a very good standard despite my situation. Communication was something that let me down in this project.
Planning and Production: Pass. Even though what I produced was rushed, so was everything else. It would be unfair to be mad at myself since covid restrictions hit us once again, most of the whole year’s planning was disrupted and things did not go to plan.
Practical Skills: Merit. Even with the short amount of time I never fail to deliver a good performance, and this project was no exception. I did very well with performing my two songs, and being able to adapt to changes so quickly. I am honestly proud that I’ve managed to last this long in this course.
Evaluation and Reflection:
Pass. I was able to talk about the things I struggled with, and the things I thought I did right, there was a lot of things I was proud of, and I was able to deliver I full performance fast and effectively, and I got a lot of positive feedback from my audience.
Pass. I was able to give a very good practical performance and sung the songs to the best of my ability, set up on a stage with the cameras rolling I was able to perform under fast timing, and I performed the same way I always do.
I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.