Self-Assessment Audit Evaluation

One of my task was to create a summery or some of the important skills i have learned in these past 2 years in creative media, mostly to list and explain some of most important skills and explain the understanding of the skills I have learned.

When I first started college, I was mostly exposed to filmmaking. I’m aware of how each film has its own conventions depending on what type of film it is [horror, action, mystery, psychological thriller], for example, lighting, lighting does a lot for movies, especially horror movies, the light is mostly dim or dark this is to set the correct mood for the audience, you don’t want bright and happy mood in a horror film. Using the correct camera angles for the right scenes is also critical; for example, low angle hot this is when the camera is placed really low looking up at a person this indicates that the character holds power, or then the weak are normally looked down on..

Another example is if in a phycological thriller one of the characters is going insane, one way to show this would be to use the Dutch angle, the Dutch angle is when the camera is slowly moving sideways or the camera is slightly tilted.

Here are some the angle shots, the shot size and the camera motion.

Another thing I learned for films is the different type of cutting editing skills for example.

Jump cut

A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which a single continuous sequential shot of a subject is divided into two parts, with a piece of footage removed to make the impression of jumping forward in time. You would use a jump cut to speed up a sequence when a certain character is doing something for example when the character is walking to a certain place they would cut that part out to make the sequence short so it does not consume time. Jump cut is different from other techniques because most of the editing techniques are to hide the edit however jump cut is visible, however most of the film makers are against a visible cut because it is against the edited nature of film.

Here’s the link to my page for more information, it includes explanation and demonstration.

One of the most important skills I obtained from this course is time management skills, I have learned how to create schedules. The most important thing you need when crating a schedule is that if for example you are creating a film and there’s other actors you need on set you’ll be needing to find out information about who is available and when are they available, you have to find the correct time and place for your schedule you may also need a plan b if the shooting is outside this is because we cant control the weather so if its raining it might damage the cameras and it may also not be the correct mood for some of the scenes.

Of corers there were few thing I could of I proved on, for example I am selfless and feeling others problems as my own, I will be more worried about my partners then my work therefore if I give them more attention then my work we can fall behind. I am selective, I can take criticism but I will take that to heart and try and fix something I cant and worry if I haven’t done enough. Fluctuating self esteem, this is when I worry about if I was able to live up to their ideals, I will ask for criticism more out of insecurity then out of confidence, always wondering what I could have done better to improve it. If I fail to meet a goal or help out the person who asked for help my self confidence will decrease. If there’s a tough decision to make I will be imagining thinking of all the consequences of the decision.