Application of practical methods and techniques

The applications ill be using to edit my music video is VSDC, Premier Pro and Flipaclip

I use VSDC application at home, normally at the end of the day if i was recording ill be importing my videos into my laptop and delete videos I didn’t need and put the videos in sections such as experimental, b roll and the videos Ill be using, for the video’s that ill be using I normally use VSDC to cut and trim the parts I need or want and make a clear time line of what the video would look like.

I would use Inshot for my b roll clips to see what it’d end up looking like and also just for my own experimental research if I liked it more using different app other then premier pro for the masking.

I only use Premier Pro when I’m at college the only time I use this application is when I need to edit something important such as masking a scene where the reflection of the doppelganger in the mirror does different action to what the protagonist is doing.

I use flipaclip to animate the effects onto the scenes, for example in the mirror scene the duplegangers eyes is black, the reason why Im using flipaclip is because this application allows me to draw/animate over videos.

In the music video i want to have a scene where the camera movement is a arc (arc shot is when the camera moves 360) in order to do this ill needing help, Ill need Max to sit on a chair and Salman to move the chair whiles Im playing the piano.

Im also planning on having a birds eye view of when the doupleganger is chasing the protagonist, in order to achieve this shot Ill be having Salman standing on a chair whiles ill be walking through bellow it.

A technique Ill be using to create a scene where the doupleganger in the mirror does a different action to the protagonist is using the masking editing technique, for this ill be using Premier Pro.

In experimental music video ill be including the symbolic coding, for my doubleganger character ill be wearing a back shirt with balk eyes back to indicate that this is the evils villain in this story, and for my good character ill be wearing white shirt with normal eyes.

In my experiential music video ill be using different various angles, shots and also camera movement for example I’m planning on having a birds eye view of when the protagonist is getting chased by the evil doubleganger.

Another thing I included in my experimental music video was during the editing the evil doubleganger is playing the piano and is thinking back about how she killed her other self, to show the difference that the doubleganger is telling the story is that when the good version is on scene I use the story telling filter.

Technical coding

There are going to be a lot of different camera angles, such as a low to express how powerful the Doppelgänger is. When Anna starts running there will be a tracking shot, this is where the camera follows the character from behind/ the side of the character, or when the character moves forwards, in which case in my film the camera will be following Anna from behind whiles she’s running.

Audio coding

Since this whole short film expresses feelings thought body language since there will be no dialogue the audio/song will have yto be specific to support the characters emotion