There are different type movies that are suitable for different type of audiences. This is because everyone has different tastes when it comes to different movies for example some people might like horror movies they contain jump scares and mystery, people are into intense movies. On the other hand some people might love to watch comedy movies, of course there are different categories in each genre for example for horror there might be gothic horror\zombie horror/teen horror/ ect. There are also different type of categories that comes under the comedy\genre for example dark comedy/ cringe horror ect.
However there are also movies that are biased on ages, this is because not all movies are made for everyone. For example some horror movies might not be suitable for children since there might be gore, this might also be because some children get effected emotionally and it creates anxiety. When it comes to comedy some scenes and lines in the movie might be inappropriate for children. In my short film my target audience is +16 since there will be a volant scene.
A film’s marketing is a crucial aspect of its production. Film marketing is a method of promoting a film. It entails figuring out how much you’ll spend on the movie, including DCPs, VPFs, trailers, advertising, and more. This is when the P and A enters the picture Prints and advertising budget A film’s marketing is a crucial aspect of its production. Film marketing is a method of promoting a film. It entails figuring out how much you’ll spend on the movie, including DCPs, VPFs, trailers, advertising, and more. This is when the P and A enters the picture Prints and advertising budget.
What is the purpose of film marketing?
According to Dave Roos, film marketing is also known as movie advertising and movie promotion, and its purpose is to convince people to buy movie tickets. Film marketing is the process of attempting to pique people’s interest in a film to the point where they will pay money to see it.
The Online Film Promotion Techniques are:
- Film Trailer.
- Social media campaign.
- Influencer Marketing.
- Online Ad agencies.
- Film website or blogs.
- Create social media profiles.
- Viral Marketing.
- Teaming up with Radio Channels.
Production of a film
From beginning to end, film production is divided into five phases: development, pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution. Each phase has its own set of obstacles and rewards to look forward to.
The first is the development stage, during which the movie’s initial concept and specifics are worked out. Someone has an idea or is working on a rewrite of a previously published book or essay. A writer may pitch a script to a production company, producer, or other persons who can help finance a film at this stage.
Occasionally, the production firm will seek for writers to compose a script for a project they are interested in developing. In any case, the production crew will keep the pieces in motion and ensure that the picture gets funded. Financing is normally in place before moving on to the production phase, while some small or independent films may still be in the process of securing money when filming begins.
Pre-production is the next step in the filmmaking process. The roles have been cast, venues have been explored, and the shooting script has been completed. This is the moment to hire a film crew, which will include people like a unit production manager who will set the schedule and control the budget, a set designer, a director of photography, and other key players. With feedback from numerous personnel in each department, a production budget will be approved.
The director must also communicate their vision for the picture during this pre-production stage, and collaborate with the key individuals in each department to achieve that final goal. The film’s design, sound, and feel necessitate advance planning and foresight so that once production begins, everything runs well.
It’s time to start shooting after pre-production is finished! When arranging everything linked to the shoot, the goal is to keep within budget. Because timetables can be tight and more individuals are engaged, communication is essential during production.
Producers will need to engage a screenplay supervisor, whose main concern is continuity, as well as a prop master, who will oversee all of the film’s props, at this period.
Whether you’re shooting on location or in a studio, you’ll need to stick to a shooting schedule. Among their other responsibilities, the Assistant Director (AD) oversees this schedule, as well as the crew’s health and safety. The cinematographer will collaborate closely with the camera team to gather all of the necessary material.
Catering, equipment rentals, travel reservations, and other details are all handled by the production coordinator. A producer will keep track of all the moving pieces as well.
The production stage, out of all the stages of filmmaking, is frequently the one that causes the most budgetary issues. Unexpected impediments, problems with a location, the need to reshoot various parts, and other related concerns can all arise on film projects, causing challenges for producers.
The fact that the first scene has been shot implies that post-production can begin. Editors are brought in during filming to identify the best takes and begin producing a rough cut. A producer may want to make digital dailies (a video of the unedited footage taken that day) available to the cast and crew so that any necessary edits can be made moving forward.
As previously said, post-production occurs even before the filming is over. This is when the movie really starts to take form. Several creative decisions are made during post-production that shape the movie-watching experience.
The way a film is chopped affects the tempo and serves the storey. Music, as well as visual and auditory effects, are used to enhance a viewer’s entire experience.
Actors may be required to come in and re-record their conversation (also known as automated dialogue replacement or ADR) in order to achieve the highest sound quality or to better align with the film. Editors and producers work tirelessly in post-production to ensure that the director’s vision is realised.
The final stage of production is releasing the film to the public. This is the essence of distribution. A film may be released in theatres or as a special release through a streaming service, depending on the arrangement a producer has negotiated. If it’s an independent film, it may be entered into film festivals in the goal of attracting attention and creating hype. A film may be released on video or through an alternative media outlet. Whatever the case may be, this is the final stage, and thus our storey comes to a close.
Codes and Conventions
Technical codes refer to all of the different ways that equipment is employed to communicate a storey in a media text, such as camera work in a film. Music, for example, is both technical and symbolic, therefore it falls into both categories. What do conventions entail? Conventions are ways of doing things that are widely accepted.
Codes are meaning-making symbol systems. There are two types of codes: technical and symbolic codes.Technical codes refer to the various methods in which equipment is used to transmit a storey in a media text, such as camera work in a film.Symbolic codes allow us to see what is underneath the surface. For example, a character’s actions reveal how he or she is feeling.Some codes are both technical and symbolic in nature; music, for example, is both technical and symbolic.
Conventions are ways of doing things that are widely accepted. In any medium, there are general traditions, such as using interviewee quotations in a print article, but there are also genre-specific conventions.
In any study of genre, codes and conventions go hand in hand; it’s not enough to talk about a technical code like camera work without also talking about how it’s employed in the genre.
The technical code of lighting, for example, is applied in all cinema genres in some fashion. The use of side and back lighting to generate mystery and tension an essential aspect of any horror film is a horror genre cliché.