
Our band does promotion and its on twitter and instagram, we are working on promoting it on every other musical platform such as youtube, spotify and tiktok . When time comes along we need to know where our audience is so then we can post the most important stuff onto that platform but right now our band audience is YouTube and Twitter. When we was in lockdown we focused on promoting our music, researching into the costs of promoting on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. After watching the UAL Digital Marketing zoom meeting (2021) Luke Branch mentioned Facebook Business, within Facebook Business you can target current followers, and followers friends. To gain new followers when boosting posts you can use key words, similar concept to hashtag. After the show case my band will be looking to put money towards advertising.

but we needed to work we did it all online it was a struggle but we kept posting on twitter and instagram. It was a challenge to work with band online but it was fun. As much it was a struggle it was fun to connect in different ways so if anything like Covid happened in the future we’d have an idea how to work round thing like this, we always have a solution no matter what the situation. We could also advertise our bands music on youtube which will cost £5 per 30 second advert. Last but not least we need to keep monitoring campaigns.

Digital Marketing For Creative Practitioners, UAL. (2021) Luke Branch.

Branch, L., 2021. Digital Marketing For Creative Practitioners.