For my personality type I got entertainer , which I can agree but disagree , I agree because how I can interact with others I know and don’t know quite easily and I just embarrass myself to everyone all the time but am i also my self around everyone, my energy is crazy because one minuet I’m falling asleep the next I’m full of energy and need to do something to get it out of my system i disagree a little because I don’t love the spotlight on me all the time but if it needs to be on me I’m not complaining , I do love spending a simple time with my friends there’s nothing better than that. I differently agree on changing my style around because i love to experiment on my style and try different things out.
I differently agree with the weakness not really planning anything long term and also anything that does mention focusing for long term it will not work out for me so i do agree with that also . My plans do just go by day to day , its weird how its pretty accurate with everything.
“Entertainers (especially Turbulent ones) are strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism – they can feel like they’ve been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly. This is probably Entertainers’ greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light”
The one above me said it is top weakness and it freaks me out how correct it is with everything.