Christmas Concert.

For this Christmas concert, our first songs was “Feed the World” and ” Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” but we scrapped Merry Little Christmas because it was too complicated to learn for all singers and the band, so we just stuck with “Feed the World ” and worked on that. After our year rehearsed our parts and were comfortable with it, we then rehearsed with all the other years and split the parts so that everyone had something to do. There were a lot of instrumentalists so we added a lot more percussion, like the Glockenspiel and bells.

So for our band work we struggled with our band songs we couldn’t decide what to do but then we decided to do “Rock in around the Christmas Tree” and ” Somewhere only we know” but we struggled with “Rock in around the Christmas Tree”. The band couldn’t get the insturmental down for it but then Nic helped them with it and worked there way around it and now it’s coming together very well still needs cleaning up but it sounds great. “Somewhere only we know” we learnt in the first rehearsle now we have that down we struggled with the timing at first but now it sounds great i just need to learn the lyrics and be able to preform without them for both songs.

Me and Tia are preforming a song called “Sorry” by Lauren Jauregui which we are still working on but we have added harmonise and have parts to ourselves but this song is mostly for Tia since its her first solo. I am also doing a solo called “Easy on me” by Adele but Tia is also playing piano for me the only thing i need to work on is being confident in hitting the right notes. We are also doing backing vocals for level 2 and level 3 we are doing ” ooo” for “Run Run Rudolph” and ” Christmas” for ” Baby please come home” .

Here is the video of me and tia trying our song called begging, but it was very last minute song and it didn’t go as well as planned so we dropped that song but then we did easy on me, me singing and Tia on piano and it sounded great, I’m very proud of this song.