History of Music

financial changes : Back then people use o buy albums and CD , records but all they do now is get it off Spotify, sound cloud or YouTube its very rarely we have to pay for it now so its quite hard for them to make money, unless they have to pay to download there song, in my opinion think buying CD or records was better than now a days. The fact covid19 stopped people from going out so either way they lost even more money because of the pandemic .

production change : Back in the day they use to perform there songs , there was a lot more concerts so they could show off there songs , but now a days they sing it in a studio and upload it to Spotify, excreta and using a computer is easier so its less off a chance to mess up because you can nearly get it how you want it .

promotion changes : Bands use to go on tour to promote there songs they still do but not as much they just upload them online on every platform they can so people can see it . you can also promote anything on social media because it free.