I was asked to investigate the skills I will need to pursue a career in Games Design.
The skills I require will be things such as level design, narrative design and game creation, things like coding and graphic design would be useful aswell, some of these things I have learned so far and others I can learn in the future, these will all be useful for the creation of the games in my future career.
Skillset required:
Level Design
Narrative Design
Prop Creation
Character Creation
Level Design will be useful as I aspire to be a level designer when I am older, I want to go into this career path, and this is what I am studying towards, meaning that this skill will be extremely useful for me to learn, and would help me move forwards throughout Uni and my future career, I aim to create a game in the near future and work extensively to broaden my level designing skills.
Narrative Design would also be a useful skill to have as it is my secondary career path, I also find it interesting to create storylines that intertwine and have various different plotpoints and characters, settings ect, i am inspired by Tolkien and tend to take various elements from his works into my own, such as the inclusion of fantasy races such as orcs and elves.
Prop creation is another skill I wish to learn, as it is something that will be useful in any future projects I undertake, as prop creation can range from anything such as a 2D rock to a 3D sword, these are seperate from character creation but are often just as vital to create a coherent game which plays and runs well, if games didn’t have these props in them they would be barebones and empty.
Coding is something I am attempting to work on at the moment, and will be essential to my future career path, I wish to code a game which has solid character movements , animations, random room generation and level generation, all of these elements will require various skills of coding, which I am attempting to achieve, aswell as broadening what I already know.
Character creation is another essential skill I wish to learn, as characters make and break games, they are integral to the majority of games as the player character and enemies often define a game for what it is, a game like Dark Souls wouldn’t be as interesting if the enemies weren’t so varied and uniquely created, often having extremely detailed and advanced designs I wish to learn this skill as it will be very helpful in game creation.