Final Evaluation(Written,video or audio essay)

To start of my final evaluation I would like to discuss some of the main points that i would like to talk about, these being the following:

Problems and how I fixed them

Things I would change next time

Things I would have changed if I could

Initial Decisions I would alter (e.g ensuring the software is on all PC’s before pitching)

My initial goals and which ones I have and haven’t met

My initial goals and which ones I would adjust

Here are my initial goals:

Item Collection, Boss Mechanics, Unique Enemies, Unique Player Models, RNG Based Mechanics, Randomised Loot, Randomised Enemies, Randomised Room Themes, Secret Room, Secret Enemies, Minibosses, Inventory System, Randomised Objects, Death Inventory, Custom Enemy Drops, Custom Music, Functioning AI.

Here are the ones I have met: (in bold)

Item Collection, Boss Mechanics, Unique Enemies, Unique Player Models, RNG Based Mechanics, Randomised Loot, Randomised Enemies, Randomised Room Themes, Secret Room, Secret Enemies, Minibosses, Inventory System, Randomised Objects, Death Inventory, Custom Enemy Drops, Custom MusicFunctioning AI.

The following will be me discussing all of these points and more in a audio essay in which I evaluate every aspect of my project:

With that being said I would like to add that I thoroughly enjoyed the creation of this project, and would do it again albeit with some minor differences.