audio graphics film
how they used
why they used
what they do
Audio is an essential part of gaming and game marketing, without sound the universe they are trying to build is emotionless and lifeless, especially in actual gameplay, audio is used to convey emotions and dialogue, this helps improve gameplay and helps the gamers feel involved and immersed.
Audio is used in many different ways, it can be used for songs in the background, SFX, Dialogue ect, it is an integral part to games, much like the gameplay is, as most games only really feel like games with audio in the background.
Audio can convey different things to the gamers who are playing it, if a basic AI voice was saying dialogue it would be emotionless and unlikable, whilst if a good voice actor said the same dialogue they could convey the emotions and urgency, making the game’s pacing better and more understandable.
Graphics can help worldbuilding in a game, they have been getting better in recent years, as if you compared a game from the 90’s to modern day games it wouldn’t compare, such as if you compared Tetris to Cyberpunk or The Last Of Us 2 it wouldn’t compare, as graphics are always improving as the hardware on devices continue to improve.
Games with graphics have dominated the market for a large amount of time, whilst many years ago a large portion of games where text based, whilst most games nowadays have atleast some form of graphics, rather its 2D or 3D.
Graphics are primarily used to help immerse the player into the game itself, generally the better the graphics the better this can be achieved, but this is not always the case, as some games look amazing but have rather bland and uninteresting storylines, such as games like The Last Of Us 2.
Films can be used in cinematic’s to help market the game, such as the Assassins Creed series which heavily used cinematic’s and cutscenes, these cinematics helped sell the game and conveyed the games plot, these can be used in trailers without revealing in-game gameplay.
Trailers/cinematics are used to help market the game, they are also used to introduce characters and the plot, cutscenes can be used to improve the gameplay and establish battles and important scenes mid gay, for example when Doomguy enters the arena a cutscene plays where a large boss is introduced, which the player then fights and eliminates.