The Media Museum Video Pitch & Evaluation

The Video Presentation

Here is the video pitch that I have created for the national science and media museum I am very happy with how this turned out over the last few months I really enjoyed editing and putting this together.

The video is completed and has been sent to the national science and media museum for them to send the video over to BBC Click.


How did you interpret the theme (what idea/theme did you use)? 

So the theme for this project was trendsetters and what I did was come up with an idea that would bring the trendsetters to the media museum and my idea was by using the BBC Click the BBC’s flagship tech programme to promote the museum to the trendsetter audience.

What inspired your idea/theme (think about your interests, the research you did and any discussions you had with your peers or tutors) 

The Inspiration for my idea came about when I was looking for ways to promote the media museum to the trendsetters and came across the idea of BBC Click and after a discussion with my tutors we knew that this would be a good idea for this project.

How did you explore your ideas? (Consider what workshops you took part in, how you have developed these or how you have developed your ideas independently) 

The way I explored my ideas for this project was by doing workshops with my tutors about how to make my video presentation look professional and was able to use this workshop to develop an outstanding final video result for the media museum project.

What problems/issues did you face? How did you solve these? 

Early on in the project my original plan was to video record the whole video pitch with me just speaking in front of a camera however I faced a number of issues such as the camera coming out focus and me forgetting the lines from the script.

I eventually decided to solve these issues by scrapping the whole video recording and instead create a voiceover pitch using images from the science media museum and by deciding to do this the project was much easier to do rather than have an entire recording of me talking to a camera.

What went well? What did not go so well? 

The one thing that went so well for my project has to be the video editing part as that part went so well in my opinion as it was easy to source the images from the media museum and implementing them during the video editing alongside the audio recordings and that is what went well for this project.

The one thing that did not go so well has to probably be when I was recording the audio there was a few issues for example i had to put my head in a box and really limited movement for me and it was difficult for me to record and there were some times where i forgot my lines and had to re-record some lines because of it and that was the thing that did not go so well during the project.

What did you learn (consider the materials, techniques and processes you have used)

I have learnt quite a new things whilst working on this project one of the new things I learnt was during when I was making the pitch to the media museum about my BBC Click Idea was when I was making my presentation I learnt about making multi gradient backgrounds using adobe illustrator this really helped me make a great presentation that would stand out and would later implement this later on in my project.

Another thing that I have learned during this project was work experience as I have been working with the national science and media museum on this project and worked with them to create the video pitch for BBC Click even though this was not proper work experience I now know how it feels it work with a company and I was able to learn so much more about the media museum and how they operate not just as a museum but also as a company and that is another thing i have learnt during this project.

How did you experiment with and develop your work? 

During the project I have experimented trying new ways to make the video presentation stand out and that was by experimenting with new video editing techniques and this included adding new effects during the editing of the video pitch and it really helped to develop a high quality video presentation for both the media museum and BBC Click.

What would you do differently next time? 

Looking back on the project there is only one thing that could do differently if i had the chance to do this project again is the recording as I think I spoke some of the lines too fast and I think I should have slowed down when I had the chance which I didn’t take and I think the audio would of been much better if i had taken my time and that is the one thing that I could have done differently.

Where do you believe you were successful? 

I believe that there was some parts that were successful however the main one has to be is when I had to deliver my BBC Click video pitch idea to the national science and media museum and I presented my words well , spoke about why BBC Click should be Involved and how the museum can benefit from appearing on the BBC Click programme and had very good feedback on the presentation and that is where I believe I was successful on this project.

Feedback Form

This is the feedback form I have created so people can feedback on my project and will be able to use the feedback to help with the evaluation