level 3 year 2 – project 1 – marketing strategy research

Media Museum Vision Mindmap

The Trendsetters

The collection at the national science and media museum


The Presentation & Research

I am currently working on a presentation for the museum and discuss its collection and how we can get BBC Click Involved as well I conducted research into the museum, BBC Click and its collections and what should be added within the museum.

National Science And Media Museum

BBC Click

For this part of my research and presentation I have decided to research them as they will be very useful in promoting the reopening of the national science and media museum by showing off some of the new exhibits and new technology.

Their target audience is of a young adult audience aged between 16-30 and who are interested in the new and upcoming technology of the 21st century they can reach their target audience through its flagship program on the BBC News channel that airs on the weekends and its social media accounts of Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter)

Click covers a wide range of things which include AI, Robotics, Virtual Reality, Vehicles, Electricity and promoting the new and latest of up-and-coming technological advances in the tech industry.

Website – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006m9ry

National Science & Media Museum Essay – 1518 words

National Science & Media Museum Radio Production

this bit of research includes details of a radio production event that I was invited to, and I am including it on digital space as it ties in with this current project.

On the 5th October 2023 I was invited to a radio production taster session for the national science & media museum at BCB radio I really enjoyed it the session was about a monthly radio show the museum hold every month talking about the sound & vision and I learnt a lot about radio production and got a chance to be a presenter it was a rather enjoyable and amazing experience and I look forward to working with BCB Radio and the national science and media museum in the future.

Bradford College – National Science & Media Museum Audience & Strategy

What is a marketing strategy

A marketing strategy is what every business uses to attract their audiences through a variety of ways to promote their business. It identifies the desired target audiences and they use this to gain visitors to their website, company or building. Most companies use the four p’s (product, price, place and promotion) (Barone, 2022) and a business must know there clients in order to create their marketing strategy for their company.

Why is a marketing strategy important

The reason a marketing strategy is important to any business is because if they are wanting to promote its business to their target audiences, they need to set a marketing strategy, whether if it’s through promotion, digital communication, analogue communication and word of mouth.  This would be right for them in order to get the target audience desired and if they do not set out a marketing strategy they will a weaker business because they did not set a clear plan and that is why it is very important to have one if you want to have a successful business.

NSMM – Marketing Strategy

How they attract their audience

The way the national science & media museum uses it’s marketing strategy to promote the museum to their target audiences is through a number of ways is that they would promote the museum on their website or use social media and traditional media as that is where most of their audience receives information. By using these marketing strategies they will be able to reach their desired audiences much faster by using a digital media in conjunction with other promotional formats, such as: leaflets, newspapers, posters and other devices. The museum knows this as they know that this is the most engaging way to attract their main audience to their museum.

What type of group does the museum attract

The way the museum works to get there target audience is by looking at a number of statistics of the least and most popular groups of visitors to its museum where they monitor the engagement of each visitor and they found out that there marketing strategy mostly attracts people from the engaged community drivers at 37% percent and the trend-awares at 15% whilst there least popular groups are time poor aspirers and safe self-improvers (National Science and Media Museum, 2023) the reason for these statistics is so that the museum can improve on its marketing strategy so it can reach out to more of their target audiences.

What audiences should the museum improve on

There are many audiences that I think that the museum needs to improve on but ideally they should improve the nostalgic heritage fans & entertainment seekers categories as there is not too much activities going on for them in general at the museum and if they target events towards the museum will be able to improve those numbers.

Who are the trend-awares  

The Trend-Awares are a group of young people who like to discover new things and experiences and often get there friends involved with their activities the trend-awares can also be about big ideas and can stand out from the crowd and can be very sociable with other people they are also known to wear fashionable clothes and are the first people to know what trends are happening. (Morris Hargreaves McIntyre, n.d.)

Why is the museum is wanting to target the trend-awares

The museum wants to try and target more of the trend-aware audience is because the trend-awares group is the second highest group of visitors at 15% percent and the museum wants to try and attract more of the trend-awares audience when the museum re-opens next year the trend awares when the usually visit the museum usually visit the games lounge and the switched on exhibits as it appealed more to them rather than any of the other exhibits at the museum.

Ideally the reason why the museum wants to target more of the Trend-Awares audience is because they want the trend-awares to explore more of the museum and visit all the exhibits at the museum when it reopens next year by targeting their new exhibits to the trend-aware audience as they have an interest in science and technology.

What should the museum do to target the trend-awares audiences

For the museum to target more of the trend-aware audiences that they are looking for the museum they could explore a few ideas that could improve  visitor numbers in the trend-aware category by including more stuff targeted towards people who fall within in the trend-aware category.

If the museum wants to target the trend-awares they should include more modern day stuff within its collection with stuff that they had grown up with the museum should include phones , consoles , games and also add stuff from the tv shows that they grew up watching. The museum could also include more interaction with their displays by  including videos such as clips , interviews and behind the scenes to give the trend-awares more of an understanding of why the museum has this item within their collection.

With this information in mind, I propose that to attract the trend-aware segment it would be appropriate to introduce a new experience in an area of the museum. My idea is to get BBC Click involved and introduce the audience to cutting edge technologies that will entertain and educate this target audience.

For example, The BBC Click programme already researches these new technologies and this would a perfect opportunity to connect the BBC’s research into new products and share this through a compelling experience that is both educational and an exciting experience for the trend-awares audience.

Some examples of what I would like to introduce is contemporary virtual reality equipment, AI Technologies , 3D printing technologies , Robotic assistants , Smart Technologies , Edge and Quantum Computing , 5G Networks , Datafication , Cybersecurity , Predictive Analytics and Digital Trust etc.

I feel that is a fantastic opportunity for The Science & Media Museum to link the BBC and in doing so , have the additional resources to communicate to a much wider demographic audience while also communicating to the trend-aware audience through the BBC’s communication channels

How should click be involved

The way the museum should get click involved is that the national media museum should use the click programme to promote the museum new exhibitions when it reopens next year is to have one of click’s presenters come in and explore what the museum has to show with their new exhibitions and also have the click programme promote the museum’s newest technology and also click should get some of the museum’s staff to talk about the new exhibits and also get the staff to discuss the museum latest and newest technologies for the click programme.

If the museum goes ahead the collaboration with click the national media museum they will be able to use the click programme to reach the trend-aware audience that the museum wants too see when the museum reopens but they will also reach the audiences that fit in with the entertainment seekers and avid cultural consumers segments because the click programme often promotes entertainment and culture within its programme to attract their target audience therefore by using click the museum will be able attract a number of audiences when the museum reopens.

How can I help the museum to get click involved

The way I can help the museum get click involved to promote the museum is for me to create a pitch with the museum to talk about the way the click can get involved with the media museum for example is by creating a presentation with the media msueum on what click could promote at the museum for the trend aware audience when it reopens and by pitching this idea to the museum the museum can have an idea of what to show on click when the museum reopens next year.

Another way that I can get click involved is by pitching an exhibitions in the weeks after click visited the museum is by having an exhibition dedicated to the click programme is by showing off some of the well known things that click showed on its programme for example by having robots , machinery and some science technology by pitching this idea to the museum they will be able to promote the museum to the trend aware audiences.


In conclusion the museum uses a unique marketing strategy to promote the museum to its target audience by promoting the latest trends through social media and that is how the museum attracts their main audiences to its museum and I think just by getting click involved the museum will be able to expand on the trend-aware audience and when the museum reopens they will be able to reach those audiences they have been struggling to attract by using fresh new ideas and a whole new entire marketing strategy to get the trend-awares and  their lower audience segments to the museum when it reopens next year.


Here is my presentation of my idea for the media museum.

‌ Reference list – essay only

National Science and Media Museum (2023) NSMM Visitor Profile Report 2022-23. URL:

Barone, A. (2022). Marketing Strategy. [online] Investopedia. Available at: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketing-strategy.asp.

Morris Hargreaves McIntyre. (n.d.). Stimulation. [online] Available at: https://www.mhminsight.com/culture-segments/stimulation/ [Accessed 28 Sep. 2023].

Archer Charles. (2023). Top 19 New Technology Trends Emerging in 2023. [Online]. KOENIG. Last Updated: 5th May. Available at: Top 19 New Technology Trends Emerging in 2023 [Accessed 29 September 2023].


 Video Intro

I originally created this because i was bored however i am now going to use this to for the video introduction for my presentation video this features a variety of gradients with the media museum logo.

This poster right here i made would go outside the national science and media museum for the click experience exhibition idea that I’ve mentioned in my essay i have also designed a billboard version of what it would look like outdoors.

National science and media museum video presentation

Youtube Video Links

This video is 11 years old and it talks about some of the unique stuff that the BBC owns and it talks about microphones even one that was used on big ben.