Level 3 Extended Final Major Project – Bradford 2025 Planning , Research & Pre Production

For my final major project I will be doing something relating to Bradford 2025 City Of Culture 


Why am I choosing Bradford 2025 for my final major project?

Next Year Bradford will play host to the 2025 City Of Culture and will hold events , festivals all relating to the culture of Bradford

And I have chosen Bradford 2025 for my final major project as I want to explore that and celebrate the city that I am from what it is like living in Bradford

What is my Idea for my final major project for Bradford 2025 

For my final major project I have decided to do Is ask ten students from Bradford College on what they would like to see from Bradford during the city of culture 2025.

The reason I am choosing this as my idea and project is because Bradford has a massive youth population of 29% and want to use Bradford’s youth population to see what they like to see next year for the Bradford 2025 city of culture.


I will be conducting my research on a number of websites on how Bradford won the City Of Culture 2025 , Why Bradford has a massive youth population And What Bradford has planned to celebrate the city of culture and why Bradford is also the world’s first UNESCO city of film 

I’ll also use my research to look at the Bradford 2025 Website and Social Media accounts to have an idea on what i could for my final major project


For my last project I collaborated with the media museum for a video pitch project and I enjoyed collaborating with them so i thought I would do another collaboration this time with Bradford 2025.

And i will ask them to what they would like to see from the project that I am doing and what they expect from the project and ask them what questions they would like me to ask the students for my final major project.

Interviews & Filming 

For my final major project I will ask ten students about what they would like to see from Bradford 2025 city of culture and will find the students through teams and in person.

For filming I will use either C6 and will use it on days it’s not being used and will space it between a few days so all students can be interviewed

So this is why i have chosen to do something relating to Bradford 2025 as my final major project.

BD25 Research

What Is The UK City Of Culture

UK City of Culture is a designation given to a city (or a local area from 2025) in the United Kingdom for a period of one calendar year, during which the successful bidder hosts cultural festivities through culture-led regeneration for the year. The UK-wide programme, which is administered by the UK Government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in collaboration with the devolved governments of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, is to “build on the success of Liverpool’s year as European Capital Of Culture In 2008, which had significant social and economic benefits for the area”. Bids solely in Greater London are excluded from the competition, although boroughs and places in the UK capital may submit a joint bid with a city or place outside of Greater London.

The designation is awarded to cities every four years, through a competition, with the inaugural holder of the title being Derry in 2013. Kingston upon Hull was the second holder of the title in 2017, and on 7 December 2017 it was declared that Coventry was designated with the title for 2021. The bidding process for the 2025 title was conducted between 2021 and 2022, with Bradford announced as the winner on 31 May 2022. The 2025 title was the first to be open to local areas across the UK.

Wikipedia Contributors (2018). UK City of Culture. [online] Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_City_of_Culture.

How Bradford Got The Rights To The 2025 City Of Culture

Bradford first attempt to host the 2021 City Of Culture but failed to make the shortlist instead the title went to coventry who would. eventually hosted the city of culture event in 2021.

Bradford then again bidded for the City Of culture event in 2025 and managed to make the shortlist and faced competition from the likes of County Durham , Southampton and Wrexham and In May 2022 Live on the BBC Programme The One Show Bradford was announced as the 2025 City Of Culture.

Because of this preparations have been underway for Bradford to host the 2025 City Of Culture since 2021 and it is hoped that this will bring in millions of pounds of investment and get people to visit Bradford for the event in 2025.

Parkinson, L. (2022). UK City of Culture 2025 shortlist revealed. [online] GOV.UK. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-city-of-culture-2025-shortlist-revealed.

What is Bradford’s Plan & Audience for the UK City Of Culture 2025

Bradford is the UK’s youngest city with 29% percent of Bradford’s population being Under 20 and nearly a quarter are under 16 more than any other city in the UK.

And from what I have read Bradford 2025 will be wanting young people from across Bradford to help deliver a year that will recognise Bradford for being the UK’s youngest city.

So I believe the Bradford City Of Culture 2025 will mainly organize and promote events for young people of bradford and across the UK capitalizing on Bradford being the UK’s youngest city.

How my project will tie in with Bradford 2025 City Of Culture

With Bradford 2025 mainly targeting a youth audience for the City Of Culture 2025 this will massively fit in well with the Final Major Project that I am working which relates to Bradford 2025.

As mentioned my project will be about what Students or young people from Bradford College and what they would like to see from next year’s city of culture and this perfectly fits in with what Bradford 2025 is trying to do with the young people of Bradford.

bradford2025.co.uk. (n.d.). About – Bradford 2025. [online] Available at: https://bradford2025.co.uk/about/.

Why Does Bradford Have A Massive Youth Population

Bradford is classed as the UK’s youngest city with around 25.7 percent of the city’s population being under 18 with Bradford’s average age being 36 years of age and this was pointed out during Bradford’s application for city of culture 2025 However I could find concrete evidence why Bradford is the UK’s youngest city.

Gale-Coleman, E. (2023). The UK’s youngest city is being put back on the map – here’s why to visit. [online] inews.co.uk. Available at: https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/travel/bradford-uk-youngest-city-why-visit-2794285 [Accessed 21 Feb. 2024].

Who are Bradford 2025

Bradford 2025 are an organisation formed by Bradford Council after Bradford won the rights to the 2025 city of culture the company was set up in the purpose of working with Bradford Council to help deliver a successful city of culture next year. Not only that they are also responsible to work with Bradford based companies to help organize events for the city of culture as well as working with schools and colleges within the bradford district.

The company is also responsible to hire people across Bradford ranging from freelance work , producers , designers and many more jobs before , during and after the city of culture event. They also have a youth panel with 17 members which offers people aged 16–22 the unique opportunity to help shape and plan activities across programming, education and training, audience engagement, and beyond.

And that is who Bradford 2025 are its an organization responsible for creating the greatest UK city of culture Bradford and the whole of the UK has ever seen.

2025, Bradford . “News – Bradford 2025.” Bradford2025.Co.uk, bradford2025.co.uk/category/news/. Accessed 22 Feb. 2024.

Why will the city of culture be important to Bradford next year?

The reason why Bradford 2025 City Of Culture will be important to Bradford is because it will present them with the opportunity to show off the city in all glory from its historic mills and historic buildings to events such as the BD Festival , Bradford Pride and the Yorkshire Games Festival to its incredible curries as Bradford is the UK’s curry capital.

It will give Bradford Council the opportunity to improve the city centre by upgrading the roads and demolish the NCP Car Park to build a new entrance to the Bradford Interchange , pedestrianise Hall Ings and build a 4,000 seater venue called Bradford Live which is expected to open in May 2024 and also build a new market on Darley Street.

The council hopes by doing this it will make Bradford stand out during the city of culture and to prove people wrong about what they think about Bradford that is why the city of culture is important to Bradford as it gives the people the opportunity to speak up about their city.

Council, B. (2023). City Centre – Future Bradford. [online] Future Bradford -. Available at: https://www.future-bradford.co.uk/city-centre/ [Accessed 8 Mar. 2024].

Bradford 2025 Video

Here is an old video that I made back in 2022 that was the main inspiration for me to do this project this 34 second video talked about the Film and TV history in Bradford and why the unesco city of film will play a central part in the city of culture next year.

FMP Proposal Presentation

Here is the presentation I have made for what I am doing for my final major project I decided to have my background show city park and city hall as this fits in well with what i’m doing for this project.

Project Proposal Reflection

Looking at my proposal I think I detailed it very well and I mentioned about what and why I am doing this project , I discussed who i’m collaborating with for this project and what research I will be doing and how I will evaluate the project by making mini evaluations during each step to make a detailed evaluation.

However I missed many key points in the presentation like how does it relate to media , target audience , what skills I will use if I included these it would of made a clearer understanding of what my project is about and should of included a bit more information.

I should of spoken more clearly I sounded a bit to quiet and i stumbled my lines at some point and should of improvised more than rather reading all of it on screen and I will reflect on this next time for future presentations and I also should of elaborated on my idea a lot more.

Email To Bradford 2025

I have decided to send an email to Bradford 2025 informing them of what i am doing for my final major project and seeing if they up to collaborating with me for the project this is the email I have sent to them.

Update – I sent that email on the 16th Janurary and after recieving no initial response from them I sent two further emails chasing it up however still no response I eventually decided to contact them on their instagram page and after back and forth contact I was able to receive an email response from them.

And got into contact with Farah Ali here is the email we have exchanged so far.

In the emails we exchanged they have suggested a meeting for tomorrow on zoom however i don’t have access to zoom but suggested microsoft teams instead but have not heard back on that so far on that.

Meeting 22/02/24

I had a meeting with Bradford 2025 with two people Farah Ali & John McMahon from the team and we discussed what they would like to see from the video that I am working on and they came up with some questions for me to ask for my project which are in the email they have sent me below.

And we have discussed these and my questions that I will be asking for my project as this is my college project Bradford 2025 will not get involved much within my project but were happy to help nonetheless.

Email – Here is the email they sent me after the meeting and in the email it includes questions they want me to ask to the students about Bradford and were very clear that this is my project and not a commission by Bradford 2025 and suggested not to incorporate their logo to avoid confusion.

With the questions they have gave me some really good ones that I may use for the video that I am working on however I will incorporate some of my own questions into the mix for this project.

Video Planning

For the next stage of my final major project is planning how the video should go as mentioned by project will be about what young people from Bradford want to see from the city next year for the city of culture 2025 the video will contain Interviews with students from Bradford College with me asking the interviewee a set of five questions about Bradford , the videos will be shot on a high quality video camera but not a DSLR camera and it will be shot inside a room at Bradford College , and the video will be edited into sections for every question with a graphic in-between and there will also be a clip overlooking Bradford with me talking about my project and this is how the video will look for my project.

Planning & Shooting Schedule

Week 1 – 19th – 23rd February 2024 Project Planning & Meeting With BD25

Week 2 – 26th Feb – 1st March 2024Creating The Proposal & Proposal Presentation & Start Research

Week 3 – 4th March – 8th March 2024 – Continue Research & Come up with Questions

Week 4 – 11-15th MarchFinalise Questions & develop a script

Week 5 – 18th-22nd March Test out some camera shots & do a test interview with the camera shot

Week 6 & 7 – Easter Break

Week 8 – 8th April – 12th April – Create a form to look for students to interview about Bradford & City Of Culture

Week 9 – 15th – 19th April – Film some introductory shots over Bradford & Create Graphic Inserts For Each Segment of the q&a video

Week 10 – 22nd April – 26th April – Find a suitable and dates to record the video subject to the room & students availability

Week 11 – April 29th – May 3rd Complete the recordings & begin video editing

Week 12 – May 6th – May 10th – Continue Video Editing & Create more graphics

Week 13 – May 13th – May 17th – Complete Video Editing & Upload to Youtube and send it to Bradford 2025

Week 14 – May 20th – May 24th – Evaluation & Feedback and present the project to the class

Interview Techniques

For the interviews I will be looking at Interview Techniques and how I may implement these for the interviews I will be doing with the Students at Bradford college talking about Bradford and City Of Culture 2025 and I will looking at the 5 W’s which are Who,What,Where,When and Why as they will be very important for the questions when I do the interviews for my final major project.

The type of Interview I will be doing will be both structured as all the questions will be ready to asked for the interviewee to answer which will be a 1 on 1 interview about what they would like to see from Bradford next year and these types will feature prominently for my video.

During the interviews I will test out different types of camera shots the most important angle is the Eye-Line camera shot as the eye line needs to line up with the camera and the interviewee and also the refers to the height at which the camera is positioned in relation to the subject’s eyes. There are also different camera angels that also used during interviews which are

  1. Low Angle Shots
  2. High Angle Shots
  3. Behind The Scenes Shot
  4. Bird’s Eye View Shots
  5. The Large Room
  6. Straight into the Lens
  7. Long Sided Interview
  8. B-camera Close ups
  9. Fluid Flow Closeups

Bakir, Firat Bayram . “9 Interview Video Angles That Will Take Your Interviews to the next Level.” Getcameracrew.com, 22 Mar. 2022, getcameracrew.com/blog/9-interview-video-angles-that-will-take-your-interviews-to-the-next-level. Accessed 6 Mar. 2024.

Target Audience

For my target audience my audience will be young and people from Bradford and surrounding areas who are very passionate about the city and those who are lo0king forward to the city of culture which is happening next year.

How I will reach my target audience ?

The way I will reach my target audience is through social media as you can see in the graph it is mainly where I get my audience from this example is from a short film that I did a while ago and it proved successful as the video recieved half of the views from promoting on social media than through the Youtube Algorithm.

So I will be for this project be promoting it on all social media plaforms which include Instagram , Facebook , Snapchat and Twitter however a majority of the views from all platforms came from instagram with a total of 33.3% percent of viewers coming from that alone so because of that I will be mainly using Instagram as my main source of promotion as this will help me achieve my target audience.

Another thing that will help me with target audience is the amount of viewers as you can see from one of my old videos 87%5 percent of viewers are unsubscribed whilst 12.5% of viewers are subscribed which is a good number however I would like to improve on that and I plan to ask viewers to subscribe to the channel so I can increase the number of subscribed viewers for my video project.

These are the ways I will target my main audience and this will help get me viewers from all backgrounds where its old , young or internationals I want my video to be open to everyone as that will be my target audience.

Is my FMP video an interview or a q&a

The answer to this one is actually that they are both an interview and a q&a video as I will be interviewing people about Bradford with me asking the questions and they give the answers so my fmp video is a two in one.

Questions for the video interview

For my project I will have to come up with some questions that relate to Bradford and Bradford 2025 who have provided me with some questions for me to ask the interviewee for me to ask the students and will use some of my own questions to ask in the interview as well.

(These are questions I will be asking in the video)

1- What do you like or dislike about Bradford ?

2- What is your favourite place in Bradford and why is it your favourite place ?

3- What do you think is missing in Bradford and how do you think Bradford can implement during the city of culture next year ?

4- What events would you like Bradford to put on during the 2025 city of culture year and why do you think it will be important for Bradford to put on this event ?

5- How do you think Bradford will benefit from the city of culture after the event concludes ?

6- How excited are you for Bradford City Of Culture next year ?

Viewer Question – What is the one thing you would like to see in Bradford next year ?

Location & On-Location Shooting

For my project there will be a mix of both Location & On-Location Shooting for my q&a video which will take place at Bradford College and around the city centre of Bradford


For my video these are the locations I will be shooting from which will be at Bradford College DHB & Lister Buildings , Outside City Hall and with permission outside BD25 Team Office however a majority of filming will take place in C6 in the lister building at Bradford College.

Bradford College

For some of the shoot I will shoot it outside on the balcony of top of Bradford college in the David Hockey Building this will overlook the city of Bradford and this will help me film the introduction for my video but it will depend if i am allowed to film on the balcony.

For most of the recording it will take place in mainly in C6 but some parts maybe recorded in other rooms in case there are meetings in the room this is where I will be recording all the interviews for my project.

City Hall & BD25 Team Office

Some of the video may also feature some of city hall in the background this will be used just incase if I am unable to record on the balcony at Bradford College and the shot will cover the whole of city hall not just a small section it and maybe record some parts at the doors of city hall as well but might use city hall instead of the balcony.

A couple of parts of my video project might feature the outside of the BD25 Team Office as my project will theme around the Bradford City Of Culture event and this will relate to them in some way but I will have to require permission from the team if I will be allowed to film outside the teams office. (This will also be a back up

This is the email I have sent to my contact at Bradford 2025 asking if i can film outside at the entrance in the office and I have heard back from them and i can film outside the offices if I wanted to.


Here is the script that I wrote for my project it features an introduction & outro and the questions however since its a Q&A video most of it will be unscripted.

Video Layout

The video will be laid out in this format I think it would be the best way rather than having one person talk to a camera for 15 minutes then the same thing with another interviewee.

The Layout


Question Graphic 1

People answering the question

Question Graphic 2

people answering the question

Question Graphic 3

people answering the question

Question Graphic 4

people answering the question

Question Graphic 5

people answering the question

Question Graphic 6

people answering the question


Bradford 2025 Rebrand

Most recently Bradford 2025 has gone under a major new re-brand with an entire new logo & a new fresh looking website to make Bradford 2025 stand out among the crowds and unveiling new opportunities in Bradford.

The colours within the logo are gold which represents the city’s sunlight sandstone , green represents the city’s rural landscapes and its mosques and pink represents the humour and playfulness that the city of Bradford represents as a district.

However despite the new fresh look this re-brand will not affect the overall outcome of my project as I can make edits to the graphics and incorporate the new logo at the end and this will not the overall part of my video whilst keeping the Bradford 2025 company at the minimum with this project.

I have sent a new e-mail to my contacts at Bradford 2025 to see how I can incorporate the new rebrand within my college project if i don’t hear back I will incorporate the new logo at the end of my video.

Maher, Daniel Milroy. “Rabbithole Creates the Branding for Bradford City of Culture 2025.” Creative Review, 20 Mar. 2024, www.creativereview.co.uk/bradford-city-culture-branding/. Accessed 21 Mar. 2024.

Previous Logos

This isn’t the first logo that BD25 used they previously had two logos the first one was being used during their bid for the city of culture 2025 before they changed it to the previous logo of red , green , blue and purple before changing to the brand new one which you can see above.