Project 4 – FMP – Task 3 Production

here is the production stage for my final major project for my gaming podcast


starting my production stage i am now creating the graphics for my gaming podcast i decided to go with the concept i first designed as i felt it would suit my podcast to create the machine i used an example from an image and design it off the image i found from the internet i went with a blue colour as i felt it would stand out better than the colour i was originally going to use which would be purple.

for the background i decided to do a purple and pink background as i wanted the background to blend in with the arcade machine which is blue as it would match and make the intro stand out and vibrant to the audience who are listening to the podcast.

this is the mock up i designed i decided to put the machine right in the middle as it would make the podcast stand out and i have also decided to add the name of my podcast on the screen bit to make it look like an actual working arcade machine this will be shown all way through my podcast with a few cuts in between to show what i will discuss within my podcast.

here is the titles fully developed i decided to add a blinking press start phrase for the first few seconds and then the game on titles would flash up in different colours with the background starting to spin this would go on for at least five seconds before it all stops to show the title card through out the podcast i am working on , i also decided to add some arcade machine as it felt gamey and fitted in with the theme of the arcade machine


Production to-do list

  1. create a target sheet
  2. make a production schedule
  3. find a guest
  4. find a suitable recording date and book tv studio
  5. record and edit podcast
  6. write a reflective journal of progress so far


weekly production update – 17/04/2023 to 21/04/23

so this week i have started working on the production part for the gaming podcast that i am working on so far i have created the intro for my podcast and have also created a to do list for what i need to for the production part of my final major project this week i will also start work on the production schedule.

i also contacted some more games companies about if they are interested in being interviewed however i ave not recieved a response so i have to change the script and find a guest from my class who would do it with me.


emails to games companies

Since i am now in the production stage i now have to find a guest to be interview i have sent an email to few more companies since when i emailed the first time nobody got back to me in which i am disappointed about so i sent some further emails to more companies in the hopes they would get back to me.

Rockstar Leeds (awaiting reply)

Sumo Digital (awaiting reponse)

i have also sent follow up emails to LaserDog and Alternative Software to see if they had recieved the inital email and to see if they would have someone available (so far no response from either) both emails are exactly the same so there is only a need for one example

Email sent to both (LaserDog and Alternative Software)

production schedule

here is the production schedule as production has begun

Block 1 – find and organize a guest & book tv studio – week 1 (wednesday)

Block 2 – check and review any problems & hire equipment out (week 2 monday or wednesday)

Block 3 – record the podcast and check any health and safety hazards , and check if equipment is working and make sure everything is in order (week 2 wednesday)

Block 4 – render the audio and begin editing (weeks 2-3)

Block 5 – finish editing and upload to youtube and upload to digital space (week 2 or 3)

Block 6 – Write and complete overall evaluation (week 3)

Block 7 – production ends (week 3)

Email to book tv studio

i have written this email to central media to request the tv studio for Wednesday 26th April 2023 however i am not exactly sure if the studio will be bookable on that date.

Updated Script – unfortunately i have failed to find a guest from a games company so i had to change the whole idea and instead had to find a guest from the college who has an interest in gaming which has resulted in some of the topics having to be changed to reflect it.

i will be using the script to record the podcast this upcoming week (24th-28th April)

Weekly Production Update – 24/04/2023 – 28/04/2023

So for this week I had to change a few things round due to not being able to find a guest from a games company to do the podcast with me so i had to find a student frrom my class to do the podcast with me instead resulting in the script having to be changed to reflect it.

I have this week recorded the podcast through microsoft teams and recorded it i did some test to see if the audio was able to captured and it was meaning i was able to record without an issue there will some parts that I will need to edit out however much will not need to be edited out as i feel that the podcast is good where it is at the moment.

i have started working on the audio editing and currently got it to around 36 minutes run time however it has taken a while to save and upload however there is still loads of audio editing to do and cut before i move on to video editing.

i have also started experimentation by mixing audio and cutting the silence however it didnt turn out the way i expected and decided to continue by deleting bits of audio by deleting it by hand.

Audio Test

here is a test recording to see if the audio can be captured which it did


this section includes the podcast and I will go through the process of recording , editing , production and publishing of the gaming podcast I am working on


here is a screenshot of me recording the podcast with my guest henry mulligan this the only screenshot i have all of the recording process there was a few technical blips however was able to resolve them before we began recording the podcast and there was not an issue during the recording process.

Podcast – unedited version

here is the recording of the podcast however this is not edited this is of the game on podcast there will be noticeable things however when this goes through editing there will some parts that will be cut and the video will be replaced by a screenstill of the intro and there will be some images of what is being discussed in the podcast. (note this is not the final version)


Audio Editing

i have begun the editing process and decided to edit the audio cutting no audio out and any others that make the podcast not look organized editing this will take me a while but so far edited around five minutes so far this screenshot shows before the editing process had started.

this is how the editing process is looking after 12 minutes of audio being edited as you can see i am highlighting the audio i dont want and deleting it and the timer stands around 40 minutes rather than the original 42 minutes.

for the next screenshot it shows how the run time looks after editing the first fifteen minutes of the podcast and it will go down more the more editing i put in to my podcast.

here is how the podcast looks after 25 minutes worth of footage edited down and the run time is now 36 minutes in total there is still a load of audio editing to do before i move onto the video editing part of the podcast.

I also experimented by removing the silence completely through a feature on adobe audition however it cut out a bunch of lines and sounded really terribly so in the end i decided to not to use that feature and instead continue by self removing clips by hand rather than using technology to do it for me.

here is the audio fully edited I removed a total of around eight minutes from this podcast i have saved the audio onto my USB stick to begin the video editing process it took a while however i am delighted with how the audio sounds.

Weekly Production Update 01/05/23-05/05/23

For this week i was continuing with the audio editing i was continuing cutting bits out from my audio removing the silences and erm’s I also had to edit out a 30 second segment as i felt it was not needed telling the viewer about why they continue playing ea sports fc when the rebrand is complete.

I also had to edit out a couple of swear words as there not appropriate and dont wanna get a downgrade of my grade and this week i had finished audio editing and started the video editing process.

I was only able to do the first topic edited as i did not have enough time that week to do the rest of the topics i also had to save the images rather than dragging it into premiere pro as the images look very blurry but not if i saved it onto my computer before importing it to premiere pro to continue editing my fmp.

i also included text at the bottom so the viewer can understand what topic is discussed during the podcast.

also during that week i also did screenshots of the video editing process as you can see below that is what i did this week for the production of my FMP.

Video Editing

here is the start of the video process for now i just have the audio and the still image that I will be shown throughout the podcast i will also add a few images and notes for the viewer to understand the things that me and guest talk about within the podcast.

here is how the editing is looking so far i have only added text at the bottom describing the topics that i am discussing with my guest.

here is a list of images that i will need to add within my podcast i listened through all of it and made notes on what images i need to add for my fmp.

these are the images that i will be using during the editing process of the gaming podcast that i am currently editing i will use these images to give people what me and guest discuss during the podcast.

in this photo i am now starting to add effects and images to my podcast and so far i have only gotten up to the first topic there are still loads of images to add before i complete the production of my podcast.

Video -1 partially edited

this is the first video this one does not have the titles and three of the topics have not been edited except the first topic of the podcast im happy with how editing has turned out and cant wait to show the full edit.

here is a screenshot of the podcast being mid way edited i had just started topic 3 after completing the editing for the second topic of the podcast and used the same effects as in topic one’s images of a wipe effect.

this is another screenshot of all of the images and effects added to the podcast and this is how it looks complete i am really happy with how everything has turned out from the pre production to this stage i cannot wait to upload the final project once i rewatch the podcast to check if i need to edit anything else before i upload the video and the final version of the game on podcast.

weekly production update 8/05/23-12/05/23

this week i have continued with the video editing by editing topic 2 , 3 and 4 of my podcast i continued adding images and screenshots to the relevant topics discussed within my podcast i did all the editing all in one day and had completed the project now i had to export it and it took a while to be processed i then went to listen to the podcast and there no issues found with it however the game on background would disappear for a second however the image and text would remain. however i kept it in as it only lasted a second despite that there were no further problems with the audio or the video.

After i had completed and exported it i uploaded to youtube on my main channel unlisted as there were a few things i had to do before i made it public such as promotional material i made a little teaser video for a media showcase that was being shown on the 16th may and a promotional poster for the event which you can see below i also made something for my podcast that would be displayed in a museum which you can see below as well.

that is what i did for this week for my final major project.


now that i have finished my project i will now do promotional work to show my podcast this section i will show a teaser video of my podcast and a couple of posters for the podcast which will be available to view youtube and spotify.

Teaser Video – national science and media museum

for the national science and media museum presentation i decided to create a shortened teaser version which will only show the first topic of my podcast before the video cuts asking people to watch the full version on my main youtube channel.

for the end card for my teaser i decided to keep the shape spin background and remove the arcade machine and the text and the youtube logo before providing the channel name below where the full version will be viewable from.

this will be the thumbnail that will appear in both the teaser and the main podcast video i decided to add the words the and podcast to make it more sense and understanding for when i design the leaflets that i will be handing out at the event where the teaser will be shown.

here is the leaflet that i will be handing out during my classes media presentations at the national science and media museum on Tuesday 16th may.

i designed this as an example for something that is shown in an museum i added a screenshot from my podcast and added a wooden frame around the poster to make it stand out.


here is the full and final version of my podcast i am very happy with how everything has turned out from the planning stages to finally get this uploaded and published everything has gone into this and i am quite happy with how this overall turned out there are a couple of blips however i am not gonna bother sorting them out as they’re not really noticeable.

Weekly Production Schedule 15/05/23-19/05/23

For this week i started the evaluation process by using the viva process template that my tutor had made telling the tutor what my overall thoughts were on the entire project there is some difficult questions however i have sinced answered them i am currently still doing that part of the evaluation process as there are still a few questions that need answering however i will update this section once completed.