Task 2 – planning & production

My Role

For task 2 i will be working in a group with some other students and in my role i will be the graphics designer and in this role i will be responsible for working on the intro & outro for our tv show and adding sequences within some scenes and as its the role i will be working on i am responsible for any graphics errors made during production.


for our project we are working on a comedy style tv programme where we come up with sketches or skits and we all have a certain role to play i will be the graphics designer and my responsibility is the role of graphics designer

in my role i will be planning & designing the intro and outro and the nuks and crannys in between scenes

I have also been working on other stuff behind the scenes such as being a caamera operator , a director and an actor by working these roles i think i will be able to work on some stuff behind the scenes when it comes to the designing element of our tv show.

TV Studio

here is the tv studio i will be working in for my broadcast project

the autocue – this is what we will be using to read our script when it comes to recording our project
the curtains these are gonna be in the background when we record our show
these sofas are what our actors are going to sit on during the filming of our show where they will be talking about bradford.
these are the studio lights this is where we are gonna be using to create the lighting effects for our project whist we record & produce


As i am the graphics manager for our tv show i have to come up with the graphics making and intro and outro and other graphics inbetween during the recording of the show heres what i developed so far

Intro – here is the logo for the project and its the star with a star and an orange outline with text in the middle saying the star show which is the name of our tv show.

Intro & Outro for our show – to save time we have decided to use our intro as also our outro to save time

here is the intro ive put a spinning motion on the star and made the orange outline of the star move as well i have taken music from bensound for as theme tune for our show we will be using this as both our intro & outro for the tv show

What stuff are working on

for our project we are doing a talk show called the star show where we will be interviewing guest , asking them questions and more below is the stuff we have developed so far

Script –


. Talk about the LGBTQ community inside of the movie industry and how it affects actors. Directors, producers and the people who watch the show they may be influenced by this powerful movement and may want to be part of the LGBTQ and express themselves. And a LGBTQ podcast that has been made for people. 

Section-2 . Talk about some questions about the related topic and see if the guest agrees with the answers and the questions the interviewer is asking. 

. Talk about the inclusion in movies and how certain roles affect society.  

. Talk and explain potential racism amongst the film and movie industry which some people may get upset about it.  

. Talk about the diversity in superhero films and how they affect society.  

. Talk about why we need actors with disabilities in major film roles and how they would be suited for that role.  

. What we could change about the film industry and how we would want to see a better one.  

Section 3 – How Movies affect society 

  • Talk about the criticisms of ‘Toxic Male Masculinity’ and films that you’ve seen that use it as satire  
  • Talk about the people that use it as an argument to marginalize others mostly women. (BAD)  
  • Talk about the people that use it to enforce stereotypes (BAD) 
  •  People can learn from these movies and be better humans. (GOOD) 
  • People can learn to identify and deconstruct these reenforced and harmful stereotypes (GOOD)  
  • These types of movies can open the eyes of their viewers and show the hypocrisy of whatever industry it’s showing. E.g: The Wolf of Wallstreet, American Psycho, Taxi Driver, Fight Club (GOOD)             

Graphics – so far i have only developed the intro (please see above) where the star and the letters move in either a 5 or a -5 rotation with a wavey red curtain in the background to make it 3d , i am yet to develop the outro or the stuff inbetween but this will be updated soon as the productions progresses further.


So our ideas for our show will include actors and some members our group in a similar talk show format our show will be called the star show where we will interview guest and discuss topics these topics are the LGBTQ+ community in the movie industry another topic we will be discussing inclusion in movies and finally how movies affect society as a whole this is what we and the actors will be discussing in our show

other ideas we have come up with include what roles we will have on our talk show , what props we will include on our show these are stuff that we have worked on so far and will update this sections as stuff develops further.

lightng plan

here is the lighting plan for our show

here is the lighting plan for our tv show

on the link ive devised our floor plan for our tv show we will have three cameras with a table and a mic plus two sofas which our actors will sit on during filming

Recording Dates

Below are the recording dates for our tv show these are the dates


Monday the 30th of Jan at 9:30pm – 3pm

Wednesday the 1st of Feb 9:30 am – 4:30 pm


Wednesday the 8th of Feb 9:30 am – 4:30 pm