NSMM Interview Plan

On February 1st I will be taking part in a mock interview for a position at the National Science And Media Museum in Bradford for the role of Communications Officer this is my plan for my mock interview with the museum’s hiring team.

The Email

Here is the email I had received informing me of the interview and when it will take place and it contains a link to a word document about the job and what it is all about and this might come in handy for the interview.

The Job

The Job that I will be interviewed for is the role of communications officer and it will be working with the marketing manager and communications team and assist them with key events , exhibitions and commercial experiences and I will need to plan on how to prepare for the (MOCK) interview for the role of communications manager.

Plan for the interview


For the interview i will research interview techniques and prepare some answers on what I plan to say for the interview for the national science and media museum.


In preparation for my interview I will wear my usual clothes for the interview since this will be a mock interview and not an actual interview. I will also prepare for rehearsing some of my answers that i might give during the interview.

The STAR Technique

For my interview I will answer my questions using The Star Technique for the mock interview for the communications manager role at the national science and media museum.

The Star Technique is used by a ton of employers for their interview and the technique stands for SITUATION , TASK , ACTION and RESULT and i will use this to structure my answers that the media museum team will give me for my mock interview.


On the day of the interview and i will try and present my answers to the media museum hiring team whilst using the STAR technique on the questions they ask me and that is what i will do for the interview.

Interview Questions

What interest you in the role ?

The reason I am interested in this role is because I have always wanted to work within the national science and media museum and i am interested in the role as communications manager is because in my last job I had to communicate with my team on a variety of task and communicate my and the team’s ideas to my head of department and was able to communicate with my team on what i want them to do.

But the main reason is that i have always wanted to work in the media industry and when i was communications manager in my previous position I worked with professionals from the BBC for a tv show and when i was younger i had studied creative media at Bradford College and learnt so much from when i was a student there and that is the reason why i am interested in this role.

Can you give an example of working in a team ?

Situation – When i was in college studying creative media I was tasked with working on a team to produce a tv show for a college project.

Task – It was our task to get together in our teams and brainstorm ideas for the tv show that we had to create and film and also decide what our roles would be during the production for our tv broadcasting project.

Action – We arranged a meeting to discuss what roles we each would take up there was host and co host , camera operators , crew director and graphic artist and within my team I was chosen to do the graphic design work to design the intro and outro for the TV show project with each member of the group working on a different part of the TV set.

Result – At the end of our project myself and the team developed a TV show called The Star Show where we each took our part developing the show and I ended up creating a brilliant intro that featured a rotating star for the project and that is my example of working in a team.

What do you think are your greatest strengths and how could you bring them to this role ?

My greatest strengths is that i have great communication and teamwork skills working with employers on a variety of task and the way i will be able to bring them into this role is because I will be able to implement my own style of communication and management to this role of communications manager.

As i believe if i implement my own style and pitch to this role I will be able to bring something to the communications team and boost overall performance not just for the communication department but for the whole museum as well so those are my greatest strengths and how i will be able to bring them into this role.

Which communications channels do you think are going to be the most influential in the next 5 years ?

In the next 5 years I believe social media platforms like youtube , instagram and snapchat and tiktok will be even more influential in the not to distant future and the reason why is because social media is still expanding to a whole new audience and are improving on ways to make it safe for everyone who uses social media.

X which is formally known as Twitter will try to grow in the next five years however it is trying to regain its audience. Also the Live Streaming platform Twitch is growing its audience and the development of IRL Streaming is continuing to grow and there might be new social media platforms in the next five years.

Can you tell us about a brand that you like and why you think it’s successful? Perhaps give an example of some digital content you particularly like from this brand ?

The brand that I like is YouTube. The reason is why they are successful are the following is because YouTube is the world’s biggest video sharing platform and 3.7 million youtube videos are uploaded onto the platform every day. They cater for a wide variety of audiences including music , comedy , film , drama and educational etc.

And YouTube is the main inspiration why I want to get into the media industry as the platform is used by filmmakers to upload their short films and I believe that YouTube will continue to grow to a whole new audience.

If you were creating a piece of digital content (for any social media channel of your choosing), how would you go about planning this? What do you need to consider?

Situation – I will make a YouTube about the biggest issue Bradford faces Every Day which is about anti-social behaviour.

Task – My plan is to ask people what Bradford can do to tackle anti-social Behaviour before the beginning of Bradford 2025 City Of Culture and I need to consider and identify my target audience and who would watch my YouTube Video.

I would be aware of not using any bias in my approach and hope to find solutions to tackle anti-social behaviour in Bradford.

Action – I would look at news reports in Bradford about anti-social behaviour and ask for people who like to be recorded to talk about that issue that Bradford faces every day and afterwards finish recording and begin editing the video keeping in mind not to use bias and what target audience would watch my video.

Result – The result would be a video documentary talking about anti-social behaviour in Bradford and how it can be tackled before the 2025 city of culture event in Bradford.

Interview Feedback

Here is the feedback from my interview with the national science and media museum.

The feedback is really good i expected something like this and did not expect to get a five at question 2 so i am overall very happy with this feedback.