National SMM & BBC Click – Planning & Pre Production

This is the next stage of my project I now have to create a video pitch to BBC Click with the help of the national science and media museum as they have contacts with the BBC and a senior producer of BBC Click.

This is what the museum wants me to do for my project

Bailey – BBC Click

The idea: Create a video pitch for BBC Click to promote the museum to a younger audience. The comms team at the museum have the contact details for a senior producer on the programme, and we have other BBC links.

Next steps: establish a date and location to film the video pitch. The comms team can provide some copy detailing how the museum’s collection chimes with the themes of BBC Click – this can help Bailey to draft a script. Katie will lead on this one – so let’s establish some dates and Katie, could you draft some words please? We should be able to progress the project this side of Christmas.

Video Proposal

For my Video Proposal that will be aimed at BBC Click I will need to create a presentation on the two new displays that the media museum will be showing which is known as the sound & vision galleries and what technology is going to be on display at the museum this is so that the BBC Click team have an idea on what to show on its programme.

I will also have to create a script on what I will be saying to BBC Click for the video presentation and in the script I will talk about the museum, the two upcoming galleries and why the museum should appear on BBC Click ahead of the museum’s reopening in Summer 2024.

In order to do this video presentation I will need the museum to send me documents of what can be shown on BBC Click and information about the two new galleries I will need this information before i can proceed with the scripting and create a presentation for the video pitch.

What will be pitched to BBC Click

For my video presentation the museum wants me to pitch three specific subjects to the BBC Click Programme and these are

Music Technology

For the first subject of my video presentation I will pitch the museum’s upcoming Turn It Up exhibition and this will be the first exhibition the media museum will hold when it reopens in Summer 2024.

As part of the pitch i will discuss why the museum wants to explore music and the technology that makes music so wonderful I will pitch this upcoming exhibition and its technology which includes The musical playground, Haile the Musical Robot and the MiMu gloves. This will be pitched to BBC Click as the exhibition will have technology which has never been presented on the BBC Click programme before. (n.d.). Turn It Up: The power of music | Science Museum | London. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov. 2023].

Video Games Technology

The second subject that the media museum would like me to talk about in my video presentation is the Video game’s technology that they have in the Media Museum. I will talk about the Games Lounge and how it will be expanded to include more retro games and include VR for the very first time within the media museum’s games lounge.

I will also talk about the media museum’s annual Yorkshire Games Festival where they annually hold game talks with game industry professionals and the festivals also gives way for game companies and developers to test out their brand-new games with visitors of the media museum to see if they like it or not.

The reason why i will pitch the media museum’s Yorkshire Games Festival to BBC Click is because they can have a look at the new gaming technology and present it on their programme before it is shown publicly and on display during the museum’s Yorkshire Games Festival by showing the technology on its programme it can give its audience a buzz and excitement and that would make them want to go the Yorkshire games festival at the media museum in Bradford.

‌Museum, S.M. (2023). Yorkshire Games Festival, 2023 | National Science and Media Museum. [online] Available at:

Cinema Technology

The third subject that i will be discussing as part of my video presentation is the technology of cinema. Cinema first started in the UK all the way back in 1896 showing short silent films and cinema has since come a long way since those days now there are different ways to experience cinema through 2D and 3D experiences.

However, in recent years cinemas have experimented with 4D and 5D technology, bringing a whole new game to the world of cinema in hope to bring back audiences that they lost due to the rise of streaming services during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The Media Museum wants to experiment with the 4D and 5D technologies during their Widescreen Weekend Film Festival that they hold every year in the Victorville cinema, which is home to the world’s last remaining Cinerama screen. The Media Museum also wants to experiment this technology in their IMAX and Cubby Broccoli Cinemas when The museum fully reopens in Summer 2024.

This might be of interest to click as the museum is experimenting with the 4D and 5D technology and brand-new technologies to improve and immerse the cinema experience for everyone to go see brand-new films in formats that had never been done before, and this brand-new technology is something that click might be interested in covering on its programme in the near future.

Holley, L. (2020). Cinema’s next virtual spectacle. [online] National Science and Media Museum blog. Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2023].

Sound & Vision

The final topic that i will be discussing is the media museum’s new gallery sound & vision that will be opening once the museum reopens in summer 2024 this gallery will showcase material from within the film and TV industry, photography, video games and sound technologies.

The sound & vision gallery will open in 2025 and will display some of the newest technology that relates to the sound and vision and once it opens this might be of interest to BBC Click as the technology will be brand new to them and the public and this might get viewers of wanting to go visit the new sound and vision gallery once it opens in 2025.

Fenton, L. (2022). Sound and Vision project. [online] National Science and Media Museum. Available at:

Next Stage

For the next part of my project, I have to gather some information about the museum’s collection and have to send emails to the team at the museum so i can use this information to draft a script and produce a video that will be sent to the executive producer of BBC Click.

Email 1 – this is the first email that I have sent and this is to my project adviser Katie.

What makes a good pitch

A pitch is where you implement an Idea and you pitch that idea to an investor, developer or producer and a pitch is where you stand up and talk about your idea to a small crowd with a presentation to go alongside your pitch but what makes a pitch good.

1- Pay attention to timing

A pitch needs to be short because investors and producers tend to be quite busy, so your pitch needs to be at least around 15 minutes don’t make too many presentation slides as you won’t be able to get through them all, so timing is essential if you want to have a good presentation of your pitch.

2- Don’t talk too fast

Another thing that i think that is part of a good pitch is not talking too fast because a pitch needs to slow and not be rushed and talking too fast won’t help a pitch because they might struggle to understand what you could be saying so talking at a slower pace would help your pitch to stand out more amongst the crowd.

3- Talk about crucial elements

If you want to have a successful pitch, talk about the crucial elements of your idea and why these are important compared to the other parts of your idea for your pitch, try and focus on those elements if you want to have a good pitch.

What could be shown BBC Click

BBC Click has been on TV since 2000 and the programme is about technology, so for my pitch I will be discussing the newest technologies that will appear in the museum once it reopens in summer 2024.

BBC Click can show the museum’s first exhibition which will be the Turn it up exhibition and the exhibition is about music and the technology it shows on the programme Click can show the exhibitions musical playground, Haile the musical robot, MiMu Gloves and the Pyrophone all of these that the media museum will be showing next summer this will interest BBC Click as it has technology that they have never seen before on its programme.

Click Episode Review

To give me ideas for my video pitch, I will be watching one episode of Click to give me an idea on what they cover on their programme.

This is so I can develop a pitch based on what I’ve seen on the programme, and this would help me find out what click would most likely cover about the museum, and its technology.

Episode Review – Tech Expo 

This edition of click covers the world’s biggest Tech Expo in the world, and they first look at Desmonda The Robot that can talk using a language modelled chip programme and that it can be taught on the knowledge of science fiction authors.

Another topic that they discuss on this episode is about an airport that had recently closed down and the plans to turn the airport in a hub space for technology.

At the former airport, they talk about some of the experimental technology that is being tested there and how they will keep much of the architecture of the airport and building sustainable homes for the future.

They also talk about how the tech company is collaborating with other companies about E-Mobility and Food Production and why a tech company should be based in old airport due to its large size and be able to use the airport facilities to home their technology labs.

They also talk about how converting the old airport of a massive scale and why it could take between ten and twenty years to upgrade the airport to a massive technology hub whilst trying to keep as much of the original architecture as possible.

Click also has a week in tech segment in where they discuss Zooms new AI feature on how it will change Zoom meetings in the future and also talk about the new version of Polaroids most iconic camera that has added new tech features with it.

In another topic, Click Returns to the tech expo where they talk about the new wearable tech and why the device is significantly thin because of the battery which is created by Honour and how the company implemented the idea of wearable tech.

They also talk about how IFA is used to show off companies newest sustainable technologies and products and the reasons why they are promoting sustainable technology is so that the technology can be used for a very long time that can also be recycled to be converted into more sustainable technology in the future.

In the episode they also the increase of technology repairs and why it is sustainable than purchasing a whole new device and why it’s better for the environment.

This episode is fascinating is because they talk about sustainable technology and why it is so important, and I like the way how an old airport is being turned into a tech hub and living space by using the latest sustainable technology that is currently available I really enjoyed the episode as it shows off things that are not often talked about in the world of technology.

The topics that click covers gives the fact that the programme shows mainly things that relate to Robotics and AI and also show the latest experimental and the new technologies on the click programme and this is why click is able to be consistent with its ever-changing audience because the programme is able to keep up to date with the latest trends in technology. 

Just by watching this episode, it has given me some ideas of what I can discuss within my video pitch about the museum’s newest technology that will be introduced when the museum reopens in summer 2024.


These are the e-mails i have so far exchanged with Katie from the media museum.


(First Version)

This is the first draft of the script I made for the video pitch and included all the topics Turn it Up! , Yorkshire Games Festival And Cinerama & Cinema Technology however I decided to not go with this version as I feel that it could be improved on

(Second Script)

The second script is the second version and this version featured a lot of word changes but kept all of the topics this version is better to understand compared to the first draft of the script

(Third Script) (Final Version)

The third script has been heavily edited and has removed one topic that being Turn It Up as me and my advisor Katie found it irrelevant and instead decided to just focus on the upcoming Yorkshire Games Festival & The Museum’s Cinema Technology

And I added a bit more details about myself in Line 2 about the college I study at and the course that i do which is Level 3 Extended Creative Media.

And this will be version of the script I will be using for the voice recording