Print workshop

In this workshop I printed out a photo and used a etching needle and wire wool to scratch the image onto the acetate. Then I dabbed some oil based inks onto the acetate using a squeegee to spread it and take off some of the excess. Then we used some scrap material to clean the ink off the surface of the acetate as the ink will still sit in the groves. Then I dampened the paper to make it more pliable. After I placed the paper on the print bed and the acetate on top of the paper covering this with newspaper. Then I turned the handle on the etching press to put pressure onto the acetate to print the ink onto the paper. This didn’t relate to my specialist practice so I linked it by drawing images that relate to my theme.

This is the photo I traced
This is the machine we used
This is the equipment used
This is the acetated inked
This is the final result