Peer review

Level 3 Art and Design Peer Interview and feedback 

In pairs read through the following question and ‘interview’ each other about your projects so far. 

Make sure that the person being interviewed shows their work and that you get a strong idea of what they are doing so that you can feed this back to the rest of the group. As the interviewer you need to ensure that your interviewee answers the questions as fully as possible and that you record all of this information. The interview should last approximately 10 minutes.  

Interviewee Ember 
Interviewer(s) Huma
What types of research have been carried out? They have created two moodboards one about memories and one about nature. She has also create a mind map and took photos that relate to their theme.
Discuss the possible benefits of the research activity This helped them develop ideas for the project and decide on his theme for this project. This also helped her narrow down what she wanted to draw within this project. 
How will this research be used to develop ideas? He is going to use the photos and add their drawings of animal silhouette on top. 
What other work is evidenced? She took two surveys where he asked friends and family what their favourite animals and flowers are. 
What are your ideas and what materials, techniques and processes do you think you might adopt? They are planning on doing some paper cut-outs and decoupage. She is also planning on doing some watercolour and acrylic painting as well as some digital art. He is planning on doing some photography. They are also going to be combing the techniques above to create some mixed media art. 
Interviewee Huma
Interviewer(s) Ember
What types of research have been carried out? She has created a mood board as well as a mind map. They have also done some sketches and taken photos that related to her theme. 
Discuss the possible benefits of the research activity This helped her develop ideas for the project and decide on their theme. 
How will this research be used to develop ideas? They are going to develop sketches using lino. 
What other work is evidenced? She has done some artist research. 
What are your ideas and what materials, techniques and processes do you think you might adopt? They are planning on doing some lino print using the laser cutting machine and develop some images in the darkroom.