Peer review

I was not able to do screen printing this project due to the lack of a technician to help me and tell where the equipment is kept. The artists i researched didn’t impact my project as i thought it would as Blaney’s work did fit into where i wanted to take this project and Lau work while I enjoy making it and the end result it is very time consuming. On the other hand Rocco’s work well as another artist I researched Jodie harvey inspired my final piece. I liked how Havey used page from the book to create a visual representation of the book which gave me the idea to do this but in a different more colourful way. The visual research I turned into a mood board did help me decide on my theme Harry Potter. I used watercolour as backgrounds for my silhouettes of different characters patronuses which I cut out of paper. I intended to do more embroidery work than I did using it on one of the pillows I made. Although I wasn’t able to do screen printing I did use lino instead and I really liked the end product so much i developed it in digital and analog creating more in the different house colours.