Marie curie hospice

We have partnered with Marie curie hospice bradford for this project. The hospice will be picking some students final pieces to display in the hospice, so we need to this into consideration when creating our artwork and deciding our theme.

The hospice provides free medical and practical care for anybody with a life-limiting condition. They also provide psychological, emotional and spiritual support to the patient and their family.

Hospice care maybe provided at your home as well as in a hospice building as it is about making the patient comfortable.

The hospice will help to plan and prepare in advance in case it gets to a point where the patient can’t do it anymore and what to do when that happens.

Marie curie’s vision they plan to help people through death and bereavement. They will do this by giving the patients the services that will have the biggest impact for them and their family. They will will spread information about the end of life experience and fight for the services they need to prepare them. They will operate around you and keep up to date with new information about end of life care. They will support everyone with no biases and from different minority groups.

As you can see below I visited a Marie curie charity shop and took photos of what they were selling.