Kara Walker

Kara Walker

This image has a strong effect on the viewer as this image is clearly about race. It captures the struggle black people have and still go through. It tells the story of how everything we have now is built on slavery and unpaid workers. Your eye is drawn to the white girl due to the contrast which is a statement on how people of colour are often overlooked as the black girl blends into the background. The image lacks texture and colour giving it a plain and simple look. The lack of colour helps to emphasise the point. The white girl is wearing a big puffy dress which were worn by the rich to show their wealth further emphasising the point of slavery. This image is depressing because of inequality.

This is my transcription I drew a bear to fit my forrest theme. It is a bit rough around the edges because i drew it on black paper, cut it out and stuck it on white then scanned it to create a good quality image. Next time I am going to use a sharper knife to get a cleaner edge.

Kara Walker, Encyclopædia Britannica. Available at: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Kara-Walker (Accessed: 20 March 2023).