Fairy cut out and photos

I cut out some drawings I completed and took some photos of them in the park near where I live. Next I’m going to edit them to make them to look older like the cottingley fairy photos as this is what inspired me to create these photos.

These are the fairies I used in the photos below. I only drew a face on one of the fairies as they were too small to add facial features. Next time I will make them bigger so I can add more detail to them.

My favourite image is the one of the fairies on the wall because it looks like it could be there home, with the moss on the wall making look old and magical. My least favourite is the photo where they are on the wood chips as it doesn’t really look like somewhere fairies would hang out and it is too plain. These were really fun to create and I love the result of these photos even though you can tell the fairies in these photos are not real. Hopefully, aging these photos will hide the fact that these are drawing and make them look more real like in the cottingley fairy photos.